The King's Highway # 1
"Set your heart toward the highway" (Jeremiah 31:21).
In anticipation of the expiration of the seventy years; captivity in Babylon, the prophet Jeremiah was directed and inspired by the Holy Spirit, to stimulate, encourage, and direct the Jews in reference to their return to their own land. And among other things he said to them, "Set your heart toward the highway" - the way by which many of them were brought into Babylon, and the way by which all of them must return. Now as there was a highway from Babylon to Zion - so there is a highway from earth to heaven, and to this I wish now to direct attention.
The Object. The highway, that is Jesus - for He is the way, and no man comes to the Father but by Him. Now this is the way that just suits sinners, and it is the only way that will suit them.
It suits them, because it is a way in which we can get rid of sin. We no sooner enter on this way, than we get rid of the guilt of sin from the conscience, the power of sin from the heart, the practice of sin from the life, and the penal consequences of sin from the person.
It is a way in which we acquire a title to property. When a government wishes to colonize, it often offers a grant of property to imigrants, to induce them to leave their native land, and sail for a far-off country. So when we enter upon Christ, the highway to the land of glory - we acquire a title to an inheritance which is incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fades not away.
It is a way in which we find provision made for the entire journey. What Joseph said in reference to his brethren, "Give them provision for the way," Jesus does in reference to all who seek to go to glory by Him. Here we find strength and wisdom, comfort and courage, the bread of life, and the waters of salvation! No one can faint by the way, or fail of reaching the end, from lack of provision. There is provision made for us from the first step out of a state of sin, until we step into glory.
There is, in this way, the certainty of a safe arrival. The righteous shall hold on his way. No funeral was ever seen on this highway. No bleached bones of pilgrims who had sunk and perished along the road, were ever seen here. All who enter upon Christ, all who start aright - arrive safe at the journey's end.
O blessed way, where we get rid of all sin and its consequences, get an unquestionable title to Heaven, find plentiful provision for our journey, and prove that as our day, so is our strength, until we arrive at Mount Zion!
This way is PLAIN, the simplest mind cannot mistake it - it is only believe, trust in Christ alone, venture wholly on Christ - and you shall be saved.
It is a WELL-TRODDEN way, for from the days of righteous Abel until now, pilgrims more or less numerous have trodden this way. Millions have proved it to be suitable, safe, and certain!
It is very often found to be a SHORT WAY. The thief on the cross found it so, and so have many others. They have stepped out of self on to Christ - and have passed in a very brief space of time, to glory. It is just the way to suit, weary, and dying sinners.
It is a FREE WAY, no toll-booths, no fees, no conditions - all is free. Whoever will, may enter on it, pass along it, and reach the home of the blessed by it.
It is a PUBLIC WAY - the King's Highway. The nobleman may walk with the peasant, and the pauper with the king. The publican and harlot have the same right to use it - as the most chaste and moral. Upright and moral character is not required. Whoever will, may come, and travel unmolested to the heavenly Canaan!
It is a LIVING WAY. It gives life. It increases life. It ensures life. It introduces to everlasting life. Death never set his foot on it, nor ever will.
It is the ONLY WAY. By this way, anyone can get to eternal glory - but by no other. By this way, the greatest number, of the greatest sinners, may escape from the wrath to come. But by no other way can anyone reach the promised land. O that it were thronged by perishing souls, hastening from earth to Heaven!
The Exhortation. Set your heart toward the highway! Reader, do you need this exhortation? Or, are you on this road? Don't try to by-path - neither pope nor prelate, priest nor presbyter, ceremony nor sacrament - but come to Christ at once - venture on Christ alone. Direct the eye to this highway - let the heart move in the direction of it, be sure you enter upon it, persevere in it, and think often of the glorious end to which it leads.
~James Smith~
(continued with # 2)
For those who hunger and thirst after God. For those who want to honor Christ and glorify God.
Saturday, February 29, 2020
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Sighing for Jesus!
Sighing for Jesus!
"As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for You, O God! My soul thirsts for God, for the living God! When can I go meet with God?" (Psalm 42:1-2).
I have just been reading of the last days of a believer in Jesus, a kind of reading of which I am very fond. For while I admire the holy and useful lives of Christians, and look upon them as the best and most certain evidences of true faith; yet I love to listen to their dying testimony, and mark how they acted in the swellings of Jordan. I know what it is to live - but I do not know what it is to die, and therefore as I must die, and I know not how soon, or how suddenly - I love to accompany others to the last conflict, and observe how they endure and overcome.
Death beds differ, even the death beds of true believers. Some are filled with joy, others are only hopeful. Some glide away smoothly and softly - while others have much hard fighting at the last. Some have no doubts or fears - while others are very much tried with them. Some shout victory - others can only say, "I have a good hope." Some speak much to those about them - others say but very little. This was the case with the good man I was reading of, his whole dying experience was comprehended in one sentence, "I am sighing for Jesus!"
He did not sigh for life, nor for ease - but he was signing for Jesus. I cannot help observing, how much of my experience now, is expressed in those words, "I am sighing for Jesus." Yes, yes, I can do without riches, or fame, or the honor which man confers. I am pretty well content with what providence sends me - and yet I often sigh, and sigh deeply too. Some would think me unhappy - but I am not. Some may conclude I am discontented with my situation in life - but I am not. Yet I sigh - I often sigh.
I have read of a bird, which if caught and caged, never ceases to sigh, until it obtains its liberty, or dies. I am somewhat like that bird, and I expect I shall continue to sigh - until I obtain my desire. I have had a glimpse of Jesus - and I sigh for a full view of Him. I have tasted the sweetness of communion with Him - and sigh for uninterrupted fellowship. I have felt a little of the cleansing influence of His precious blood, and Holy Spirit - and I sigh for a thorough cleansing, that I may be perfectly and forever holy. I sigh to be exactly like Jesus! I sigh to be forever with Jesus! I believe that if I were just like Him, and always with Him - that I would sigh no more. But I think nothing else will put a complete stop to my sighing.
Perhaps someone is ready to say, "Oh, I have often heard you religious people go sighing about - and I felt sure that you were miserable, notwithstanding all your pretensions." Stop, not too fast, friend - you have heard us sigh - but we are not miserable. No, no, we have more of real happiness while sighing - tghan you have while singing. We have been just what you are, and where you are - and know therefore what you enjoy, and we would not exchange our saddest hours, for your most joyous ones! We do sigh - but we sing also; and our sighing very frequently is but like tuning the instrument, in order to the production of sweet and thrilling music. Our sighs always introduce songs now; and our sighs on the bed of death - wull end in the glorious songs of Paradise.
We only sigh for what God has promised us. Our sighing is produced by the sweet and ravishing tastes we have had of the love and grace of Jesus. We do not sigh for sinful pleasure, or forbidden objects; no, we sigh for Jesus; that we may know Him more perfectly, love Him more entirely, and enjoy Him uninterrruptedly! And this we shall do by and by; the day is coming, and it may be very near, when the days of our mourning shall be ended, and when we shall heave the last sigh, and begin the never-ending song. "The ransomed of the Lord will return. They will enter Zion with singing; everlasting joy will crown their heads. Gladness and joy will overtake them, and sorrow and sighing will flee away!" (Isaiah 51:11).
Reader, do you ever sigh? What do you sigh about? Is it only about worldly disappointments, or earthly trials, or bodily pains? If so, I pity you, heartily do I pity you, for your sighs will not produce any good result, "the sorrow of the world," or worldly sorrow, the sorrow of worldly men about worldly things, "works death." This is the testimony of God, and it is true, as thousands have already found it, and we fear that thousands more will.
But are you sighing for something better than you have, something that will give you solid peace, enable you to pass through life's trials with confidence, and face death's terrors with courage? If so, go at once to Jesus - and He will give you what you need, and give it freely. He has inspired many a timid heart, He has imparted peace to many a troubled breast, He has given confidence, and He will do the same for you.
Timid Christian, take comfort, you are sighing for Jesus; so am I; so was the dying Christian I was reading of. Our experience is the same, produced by the same Holy Spirit, and occasioned by the same ardent longing for holiness and perfect joy.
Our sorrows will soon end, and our sighing forever cease. We shall soon be with Jesus, like Jesus, and everlastingly employed in praising Jesus; and then we will sigh no more. The experience in the wilderness only fits us for the land of rest!
Let us then sigh - but not be sad. Let us mourn - but never murmur. Let us carry the cross, face the foe, push our way through the desert, and expect the glorious end to crown the whole! No one ever sighed for Jesus, who did not love Him. Then, may I sigh for Jesus while I live; and when lying on my dying pillow - may this be this my dying testimony, "I am sighing for Jesus!"
~James Smith~
(The End)
"As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for You, O God! My soul thirsts for God, for the living God! When can I go meet with God?" (Psalm 42:1-2).
I have just been reading of the last days of a believer in Jesus, a kind of reading of which I am very fond. For while I admire the holy and useful lives of Christians, and look upon them as the best and most certain evidences of true faith; yet I love to listen to their dying testimony, and mark how they acted in the swellings of Jordan. I know what it is to live - but I do not know what it is to die, and therefore as I must die, and I know not how soon, or how suddenly - I love to accompany others to the last conflict, and observe how they endure and overcome.
Death beds differ, even the death beds of true believers. Some are filled with joy, others are only hopeful. Some glide away smoothly and softly - while others have much hard fighting at the last. Some have no doubts or fears - while others are very much tried with them. Some shout victory - others can only say, "I have a good hope." Some speak much to those about them - others say but very little. This was the case with the good man I was reading of, his whole dying experience was comprehended in one sentence, "I am sighing for Jesus!"
He did not sigh for life, nor for ease - but he was signing for Jesus. I cannot help observing, how much of my experience now, is expressed in those words, "I am sighing for Jesus." Yes, yes, I can do without riches, or fame, or the honor which man confers. I am pretty well content with what providence sends me - and yet I often sigh, and sigh deeply too. Some would think me unhappy - but I am not. Some may conclude I am discontented with my situation in life - but I am not. Yet I sigh - I often sigh.
I have read of a bird, which if caught and caged, never ceases to sigh, until it obtains its liberty, or dies. I am somewhat like that bird, and I expect I shall continue to sigh - until I obtain my desire. I have had a glimpse of Jesus - and I sigh for a full view of Him. I have tasted the sweetness of communion with Him - and sigh for uninterrupted fellowship. I have felt a little of the cleansing influence of His precious blood, and Holy Spirit - and I sigh for a thorough cleansing, that I may be perfectly and forever holy. I sigh to be exactly like Jesus! I sigh to be forever with Jesus! I believe that if I were just like Him, and always with Him - that I would sigh no more. But I think nothing else will put a complete stop to my sighing.
Perhaps someone is ready to say, "Oh, I have often heard you religious people go sighing about - and I felt sure that you were miserable, notwithstanding all your pretensions." Stop, not too fast, friend - you have heard us sigh - but we are not miserable. No, no, we have more of real happiness while sighing - tghan you have while singing. We have been just what you are, and where you are - and know therefore what you enjoy, and we would not exchange our saddest hours, for your most joyous ones! We do sigh - but we sing also; and our sighing very frequently is but like tuning the instrument, in order to the production of sweet and thrilling music. Our sighs always introduce songs now; and our sighs on the bed of death - wull end in the glorious songs of Paradise.
We only sigh for what God has promised us. Our sighing is produced by the sweet and ravishing tastes we have had of the love and grace of Jesus. We do not sigh for sinful pleasure, or forbidden objects; no, we sigh for Jesus; that we may know Him more perfectly, love Him more entirely, and enjoy Him uninterrruptedly! And this we shall do by and by; the day is coming, and it may be very near, when the days of our mourning shall be ended, and when we shall heave the last sigh, and begin the never-ending song. "The ransomed of the Lord will return. They will enter Zion with singing; everlasting joy will crown their heads. Gladness and joy will overtake them, and sorrow and sighing will flee away!" (Isaiah 51:11).
Reader, do you ever sigh? What do you sigh about? Is it only about worldly disappointments, or earthly trials, or bodily pains? If so, I pity you, heartily do I pity you, for your sighs will not produce any good result, "the sorrow of the world," or worldly sorrow, the sorrow of worldly men about worldly things, "works death." This is the testimony of God, and it is true, as thousands have already found it, and we fear that thousands more will.
But are you sighing for something better than you have, something that will give you solid peace, enable you to pass through life's trials with confidence, and face death's terrors with courage? If so, go at once to Jesus - and He will give you what you need, and give it freely. He has inspired many a timid heart, He has imparted peace to many a troubled breast, He has given confidence, and He will do the same for you.
Timid Christian, take comfort, you are sighing for Jesus; so am I; so was the dying Christian I was reading of. Our experience is the same, produced by the same Holy Spirit, and occasioned by the same ardent longing for holiness and perfect joy.
Our sorrows will soon end, and our sighing forever cease. We shall soon be with Jesus, like Jesus, and everlastingly employed in praising Jesus; and then we will sigh no more. The experience in the wilderness only fits us for the land of rest!
Let us then sigh - but not be sad. Let us mourn - but never murmur. Let us carry the cross, face the foe, push our way through the desert, and expect the glorious end to crown the whole! No one ever sighed for Jesus, who did not love Him. Then, may I sigh for Jesus while I live; and when lying on my dying pillow - may this be this my dying testimony, "I am sighing for Jesus!"
~James Smith~
(The End)
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Simplicity In Preaching # 4
Simplicity in Preaching # 4
1. If you want to attain simplicity in preaching, you must have a clear knowledge of what you are going to preach.
2. If you would attain simplicity in preaching, you must use simple words.
3. If you would attain simplicity in preaching, you must seek to acquire a simple style of composition, with short sentences adn as few colons and semicolons as possible.
4. If you would attain simplicity in preaching, aim at directness.
5. If you would attain simplicity in preaching, make abundant use of illustration and anecdote.
Let me add to all this one plain word of application. You will never attain simplicity in preaching without plenty of work - pains and trouble. I say emphatically, pains and trouble. I have heard that a young and careless clergyman once said to Richard Cecil, "I think I need more faith." "No," said the wise old man - "you need more work. You need more pains. You must not thing that God will do with work for you - though He is ready to do it by you!"
1. I will only say, in conclusion, that whatever we preach, or whatever pulpit we occupy, whether we preach simply or not, whether we preach written or extempore, we ought to aim not merely at letting off fireworks, but at preaching that which will do lasting good to souls! Let us beware of fireworks in our preaching. Beautiful sermons, brilliant sermons, clever sermons, popular sermons are often sermons which have no effect on the congregation, and do not draw men to Jesus Christ. Let us aim so to preach, that what we say may really come home to men's minds and consciences and hearts, and make them think and consider.
2. All the simplicity in the world can do no good, unless you preach the simple gospel of Jesus Christ so fully and clearly that everybody can understand it. If 'Christ crucified" had not His rightful place in your sermons, and 'sin" is not exposed as it should be, and your people are not plainly told what they ought to believe, and be, and do - your preaching is of no use!
3. All the simplicity in the world, again, is useless without a good lively delivery. If you bury your head in your bosom, and mumble over your manuscript in a dull, monotonous, drowning way, like a bee in a bottle, so that people cannot understand what you are speaking about - your preaching will be in vain.
4. Above all, let us never forget that all the simplicity in the world is useless without prayer for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and the grant of God's blessing, and a life corresponding in some measure to what we preach. Be it ours to have an earnest desire for the souls of men, while we seek for simplicity in preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, and let us never forget to accompany our sermons by holy living and fervent prayer!
~J. C. Ryle~
(The End)
~T. Austin-Sparks~
1. If you want to attain simplicity in preaching, you must have a clear knowledge of what you are going to preach.
2. If you would attain simplicity in preaching, you must use simple words.
3. If you would attain simplicity in preaching, you must seek to acquire a simple style of composition, with short sentences adn as few colons and semicolons as possible.
4. If you would attain simplicity in preaching, aim at directness.
5. If you would attain simplicity in preaching, make abundant use of illustration and anecdote.
Let me add to all this one plain word of application. You will never attain simplicity in preaching without plenty of work - pains and trouble. I say emphatically, pains and trouble. I have heard that a young and careless clergyman once said to Richard Cecil, "I think I need more faith." "No," said the wise old man - "you need more work. You need more pains. You must not thing that God will do with work for you - though He is ready to do it by you!"
1. I will only say, in conclusion, that whatever we preach, or whatever pulpit we occupy, whether we preach simply or not, whether we preach written or extempore, we ought to aim not merely at letting off fireworks, but at preaching that which will do lasting good to souls! Let us beware of fireworks in our preaching. Beautiful sermons, brilliant sermons, clever sermons, popular sermons are often sermons which have no effect on the congregation, and do not draw men to Jesus Christ. Let us aim so to preach, that what we say may really come home to men's minds and consciences and hearts, and make them think and consider.
2. All the simplicity in the world can do no good, unless you preach the simple gospel of Jesus Christ so fully and clearly that everybody can understand it. If 'Christ crucified" had not His rightful place in your sermons, and 'sin" is not exposed as it should be, and your people are not plainly told what they ought to believe, and be, and do - your preaching is of no use!
3. All the simplicity in the world, again, is useless without a good lively delivery. If you bury your head in your bosom, and mumble over your manuscript in a dull, monotonous, drowning way, like a bee in a bottle, so that people cannot understand what you are speaking about - your preaching will be in vain.
4. Above all, let us never forget that all the simplicity in the world is useless without prayer for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and the grant of God's blessing, and a life corresponding in some measure to what we preach. Be it ours to have an earnest desire for the souls of men, while we seek for simplicity in preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, and let us never forget to accompany our sermons by holy living and fervent prayer!
~J. C. Ryle~
(The End)
From the fullness of His grace we have all received one blessing after another. (John 1:16 NIV)
When the Lord has blessed and prospered, how many people have not themselves become something? Here is a successful movement! Here is my chance! There is a laying hold of that work, and a turning of it to personal account. That is the history of things. The most dangerous time for the work of God is the time of blessing. You will always find people coming in when there is blessing, not because they have God's end in view, but because a realm of blessing means personal good.... The Lord is calling us on to the fullness of Christ, and sometimes on the way He may let us see the working of His power, that He is with us. The world may be against us, the devil may be withstanding, and the Lord lets us see in some little way that He is with us. And then alongside of that there comes the most awful peril, in that we snap our fingers at everything and everybody, and at the devil himself. We are supported by the Lord in the position we have taken! We are vindicated! That is a perilous position. The Lord may have to say, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven! Do not find any personal gratification in the fact that the demons are subject unto you!" It is all in the same realm as glorying in a wrong way in the blessings of the Lord. We have to go on steadily, and take our encouragements when they come, thank the Lord quietly for them, and get on with the main business, not staying to gloat over the fruits of the Lord's blessing in a personal way.
There is a great deal of ground covered by that. It is often a source of so much gratification if only you can tell people of the success that is coming to you in the work of the Lord, how many people are coming, how many souls are being saved, how you are being used, how the Lord's seal is upon you. All unconsciously we take hold of the honor for our own flesh. The Lord has to hide so much from us, because it is dangerous for us; our flesh makes it dangerous. We shall be tried by blessing as well as by adversity. The keenest fires of trial are often those of success or prosperity. Such tests discover whether our hearts are fixed upon the Lord or upon things.
~T. Austin-Sparks~
Saturday, February 8, 2020
Later You Will Understand # 2 (and others)
Later You Will Understand # 2 (and others)
In the same way, as our lives appear to ourselves - we see them when God is in the very midst of His work upon them. The work of sanctification is the process of bringing out the features of spiritual and divine beauty in human souls. And in this process, the Divine Artist oftentimes employs trials as His instruments. He first seems to destroy - but tribulation works patience. Many a man learns submission - when the Father's hand rests so heavily upon him that he cannot rise. Many a feature of beauty in the soul - is brought out in the darkness of affliction. The process seems to be destructive - but afterwards it yields the peaceable fruits of righteousness. Not at the time, but afterwards. When God finishes His work, it is beautiful and very good.
There was a time when the heart of Jacob was well-near crushed by an accumulation of adversities. Twenty years before, Joseph had been torn out of his arms and slain, as he supposed. Now Simeon was lying in a dark dungeon in Egypt, under the hand of a despotic master. And now Benjamin, too, was to be carried away. In the bitterness of his soul he cried out, "All these things are against me!" But these things were not against him - God had not yet finished His work. The final result had not yet been wrought out. All things seemed against him - but he lived to praise the Lord for all the strange providences which appeared so cruel at that hour. These were but the crude blocks out of which God was building up a beautiful home for his old age, and with which he was laying the foundation of future greatness and glory for his family. They were links in a golden chain of blessing.
So it ever is, "You do not know now what I am doing - but later you will understand." Wait until God has completed His work - and then all shall be well. You may see it even on the earth. Before you close your eyes in death - you may see the good brought out of the seeming evil of your life. But if not, if you die with the mystery still unsolved - then one moment in Heaven will explain all. Then you shall see all things completed. You shall see the web out of the loom - all its beautiful figures perfect, not one thread dropped or tangled. You shall see the temple finished - every brick in its place, and the whole adorned with glory. You shall see the picture when the artist has put the last touches to it - and when it appears no more marred and spoiled, as you thought it would be by so much trial - but perfect and beautiful, bearing in every feature the likeness of Christ.
Then you shall see all the dark providences of your life carried out to their final result. You shall see both the discipline - and its blessing; both the affliction - and its rich fruits; both the furnace fires - and the brilliant gold.
When the night comes on, when the mists and fogs darken the sky and hide the stars, and the vessel cannot be guided - the sailor drops his anchor and waits for the morning. In the same way, faith does in the hour of darkness and perplexity. It cannot see the good or the wisdom of the providences of life - but it knows that the hand of love is shaping them all, and that the end shall be blessing and glory! It knows that the morning will come, that the mists will clear away, and it may drop the anchor and wait for the day!
~J. R. Miller~
(The End)
In the same way, as our lives appear to ourselves - we see them when God is in the very midst of His work upon them. The work of sanctification is the process of bringing out the features of spiritual and divine beauty in human souls. And in this process, the Divine Artist oftentimes employs trials as His instruments. He first seems to destroy - but tribulation works patience. Many a man learns submission - when the Father's hand rests so heavily upon him that he cannot rise. Many a feature of beauty in the soul - is brought out in the darkness of affliction. The process seems to be destructive - but afterwards it yields the peaceable fruits of righteousness. Not at the time, but afterwards. When God finishes His work, it is beautiful and very good.
There was a time when the heart of Jacob was well-near crushed by an accumulation of adversities. Twenty years before, Joseph had been torn out of his arms and slain, as he supposed. Now Simeon was lying in a dark dungeon in Egypt, under the hand of a despotic master. And now Benjamin, too, was to be carried away. In the bitterness of his soul he cried out, "All these things are against me!" But these things were not against him - God had not yet finished His work. The final result had not yet been wrought out. All things seemed against him - but he lived to praise the Lord for all the strange providences which appeared so cruel at that hour. These were but the crude blocks out of which God was building up a beautiful home for his old age, and with which he was laying the foundation of future greatness and glory for his family. They were links in a golden chain of blessing.
So it ever is, "You do not know now what I am doing - but later you will understand." Wait until God has completed His work - and then all shall be well. You may see it even on the earth. Before you close your eyes in death - you may see the good brought out of the seeming evil of your life. But if not, if you die with the mystery still unsolved - then one moment in Heaven will explain all. Then you shall see all things completed. You shall see the web out of the loom - all its beautiful figures perfect, not one thread dropped or tangled. You shall see the temple finished - every brick in its place, and the whole adorned with glory. You shall see the picture when the artist has put the last touches to it - and when it appears no more marred and spoiled, as you thought it would be by so much trial - but perfect and beautiful, bearing in every feature the likeness of Christ.
Then you shall see all the dark providences of your life carried out to their final result. You shall see both the discipline - and its blessing; both the affliction - and its rich fruits; both the furnace fires - and the brilliant gold.
When the night comes on, when the mists and fogs darken the sky and hide the stars, and the vessel cannot be guided - the sailor drops his anchor and waits for the morning. In the same way, faith does in the hour of darkness and perplexity. It cannot see the good or the wisdom of the providences of life - but it knows that the hand of love is shaping them all, and that the end shall be blessing and glory! It knows that the morning will come, that the mists will clear away, and it may drop the anchor and wait for the day!
~J. R. Miller~
(The End)
The Heart of Spiritual Maturity
People will ask, “What can I do to really grow as a Christian?” Often they are looking for a secret path to maturity—some action they can perform. But the true key to growing in your relationship with Christ isn’t based on service or knowledge or any other outward accomplishment the world tends to admire.
Genuine maturity and effectiveness hinge upon your heart relationship with the Lord, rather than something you can do for Him. When you understand this truth, your whole paradigm shifts. It puts all Christians on the same level, from the high-profile preacher to the quietest member of the church. The believer’s talents, accomplishments, and personality are far less important than the commitment to simply know God.
The Lord called David “a man after My own heart” (Acts 13:22 NIV). What was it about him that God valued so highly? He certainly had his share of mistakes, sins, and character flaws. Yet more than anything else, what characterized his life was that he sought to know the Lord. Whether he was a shepherd, fugitive, warrior, or powerful king, the time he spent with his heavenly Father was his lifeline. In psalm after psalm, David laid everything before the Lord—and wholeheartedly longed to do His will. This was his greatest strength.
Do you want to grow spiritually and be transformed in your everyday faith walk? Take a step beyond asking, “What can I do for God so that I can be a better Christian?” Instead, come before the Lord and say, “Here I am. You have full access to my heart.”
~T. Austin-Sparks~
Saturday, February 1, 2020
The Potter
The Potter
The doctrine of God's Divine Sovereignty is generally offensive to the carnal mind - because it strikes a death-blow at the root of man's pride, and lays the sinner low in the dust before God. Man does not like to be represented as lying absolutely helpless at the foot of divine mercy, entirely at the Lord's disposal. But God must be sovereign, and if ever we are saved, it must e in the exercise of His sovereignty.
God commands Jeremiah to go down to the potter's house, to be taught a lesson there: "So I went down to the potter's house, and I saw him working at the wheel. But the pot he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands; so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to him. Then the word of the Lord came to me: "O house of Israel, can I not do with you as this potter does?" declares the Lord. "Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in My hand, O house of Israel." (Jeremiah 18:1-6).
These words are as applicable to us, as to them. Observe, Our Position. We are in God's hand! He has full possession of us, and absolute power and authority over us. We cannot fly out of His hand, or escape from under His eye! We are in God's hand - as clay in the hand of the potter. We are powerless in His hand. We are wholly at His disposal - to be molded and changed, as to form, appearance, and value - just as He desires. He does with His creatures, according to His will - both in Heaven, and on earth. His will is our law; His decree is our destiny. This may seen in nature, in providence, and in grace.
He arranged our birth, our position in society, and our calling by His grace. Whatever He wills He works. Whatever He has purposed - he brings to pass. The potter does not more really preside over the clay - than the Lord presides over all the affairs of the world.
We are in God's hand, as marred vessels. We have no beauty, no apparent value - unfit for sale, and unfit for use. If we are to be of use, if we are to glorify His great name - we must be re-made. Therefore every Christian is said to be, "His workmanship, created anew in Christ Jesus unto good works," and that according to His foreordination. Whatever we are spiritually - we are by His grace. Notice then, God's Sovereignty. He is our owner. The potter cannot claim the clay, which he has dug out of his own land - as absolutely as the Lord can claim us!
We are His - for He created us. We were not - until He gave us a being; we never would have been - had He not willed it. We are His - for He has preserved us. By the constant exercise of His sustaining energy - we have been kept in existence according to His sovereign will.
As believers, we are His by redemption. Every legal impediment has been removed out of the way of His claiming us, and justly re-molding us, and raising us to the highest happiness and glory.
He is our absolute owner. No one can justly question His right, or interfere with His disposal of us. He may do as He will. But as infinitely wise, whatever He does will reflect His wisdom.
As impartially just, whatever he does will be in accordance with justice - no part of the creation shall sustain any wrong by anything He sees fit to do. God will act wisely, justly, and in accordance with His mercy with us. Hence,
The Inquiry? "Can I not do with you as this potter does - says the Lord." Can I not break up the old marred form, reduce it to a shapeless mass, and reform you for My own use and glory? Yes, He can - and He does! Therefore we are regenerated, we are renewed and are begotten again to a lively hope.
But God puts the question to us to convince us that we are absolutely at His disposal; to impress us with a sense of our dependence on Him; to instruct and teach us that we are at His sovereign mercy; to silence all the carnal reasonings and objections of the flesh; and to humble our proud hearts!
O what a mercy it is, that the vilest can be changed! To change the nature and character of the sinner - is God's work alone! We are in one sense, that is in reference to all that is spiritually good - like passive clay in God's hand; He must work in us to will, and to do. He must form us for Himself - if we ever actively show forth His praise.
Our God is the divine potter - and who shall effectually resist the working of His mighty power? Who can justly complain, if all that God does as a Sovereign in our world, is done in the exercise of His mercy, and is for our welfare?
Who can find fault without folly - in seeing God, the only wise, the all-comprehending, just, and holy God - taking marred vessels, and making them into vessels of honor - glorifying Himself in doing so!
O my soul, lay low before the Lord, and let His own question deeply impress you, "But who are you, O man, to talk back to God? Shall what is formed say to Him who formed it: Why did you make me like this?"
O Lord, teach and sanctify me by Your Spirit, that I may not only admit the doctrine of your sovereignty; but admire its working, and adore its holiness, justice, and grace!
~James Smith~
(The End)
The doctrine of God's Divine Sovereignty is generally offensive to the carnal mind - because it strikes a death-blow at the root of man's pride, and lays the sinner low in the dust before God. Man does not like to be represented as lying absolutely helpless at the foot of divine mercy, entirely at the Lord's disposal. But God must be sovereign, and if ever we are saved, it must e in the exercise of His sovereignty.
God commands Jeremiah to go down to the potter's house, to be taught a lesson there: "So I went down to the potter's house, and I saw him working at the wheel. But the pot he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands; so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to him. Then the word of the Lord came to me: "O house of Israel, can I not do with you as this potter does?" declares the Lord. "Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in My hand, O house of Israel." (Jeremiah 18:1-6).
These words are as applicable to us, as to them. Observe, Our Position. We are in God's hand! He has full possession of us, and absolute power and authority over us. We cannot fly out of His hand, or escape from under His eye! We are in God's hand - as clay in the hand of the potter. We are powerless in His hand. We are wholly at His disposal - to be molded and changed, as to form, appearance, and value - just as He desires. He does with His creatures, according to His will - both in Heaven, and on earth. His will is our law; His decree is our destiny. This may seen in nature, in providence, and in grace.
He arranged our birth, our position in society, and our calling by His grace. Whatever He wills He works. Whatever He has purposed - he brings to pass. The potter does not more really preside over the clay - than the Lord presides over all the affairs of the world.
We are in God's hand, as marred vessels. We have no beauty, no apparent value - unfit for sale, and unfit for use. If we are to be of use, if we are to glorify His great name - we must be re-made. Therefore every Christian is said to be, "His workmanship, created anew in Christ Jesus unto good works," and that according to His foreordination. Whatever we are spiritually - we are by His grace. Notice then, God's Sovereignty. He is our owner. The potter cannot claim the clay, which he has dug out of his own land - as absolutely as the Lord can claim us!
We are His - for He created us. We were not - until He gave us a being; we never would have been - had He not willed it. We are His - for He has preserved us. By the constant exercise of His sustaining energy - we have been kept in existence according to His sovereign will.
As believers, we are His by redemption. Every legal impediment has been removed out of the way of His claiming us, and justly re-molding us, and raising us to the highest happiness and glory.
He is our absolute owner. No one can justly question His right, or interfere with His disposal of us. He may do as He will. But as infinitely wise, whatever He does will reflect His wisdom.
As impartially just, whatever he does will be in accordance with justice - no part of the creation shall sustain any wrong by anything He sees fit to do. God will act wisely, justly, and in accordance with His mercy with us. Hence,
The Inquiry? "Can I not do with you as this potter does - says the Lord." Can I not break up the old marred form, reduce it to a shapeless mass, and reform you for My own use and glory? Yes, He can - and He does! Therefore we are regenerated, we are renewed and are begotten again to a lively hope.
But God puts the question to us to convince us that we are absolutely at His disposal; to impress us with a sense of our dependence on Him; to instruct and teach us that we are at His sovereign mercy; to silence all the carnal reasonings and objections of the flesh; and to humble our proud hearts!
O what a mercy it is, that the vilest can be changed! To change the nature and character of the sinner - is God's work alone! We are in one sense, that is in reference to all that is spiritually good - like passive clay in God's hand; He must work in us to will, and to do. He must form us for Himself - if we ever actively show forth His praise.
Our God is the divine potter - and who shall effectually resist the working of His mighty power? Who can justly complain, if all that God does as a Sovereign in our world, is done in the exercise of His mercy, and is for our welfare?
Who can find fault without folly - in seeing God, the only wise, the all-comprehending, just, and holy God - taking marred vessels, and making them into vessels of honor - glorifying Himself in doing so!
O my soul, lay low before the Lord, and let His own question deeply impress you, "But who are you, O man, to talk back to God? Shall what is formed say to Him who formed it: Why did you make me like this?"
O Lord, teach and sanctify me by Your Spirit, that I may not only admit the doctrine of your sovereignty; but admire its working, and adore its holiness, justice, and grace!
~James Smith~
(The End)
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