Saturday, April 25, 2020

Boast Not!

Boast Not!

The Christian life is a warfare. The believer has to contend for truth, for the honor of His Lord - yes, for his very spiritual life! He must fight all the way to Heaven. Young believers are apt to be self-confident. They think more highly of themselves, than they ought to think. To them may be applied the words of Ahab to Benhadiad, "One who puts on his armor - should not boast like one who takes it off!" (1 Kings 20:11). This appears to have been a proverb in Israel, and it is a very wise one. Christian, let us look at it, and consider.

Our Warfare. We are the soldiers of the Cross. We voluntarily enlisted into the army of the Saviour.

We are sworn to do battle with SIN - all sin. With sin within us - mortifying it, crucifying it, and seeking its death. With sin without us - endeavoring to conquer or escape from it. Our motto is, "No peace with sin!"

We are in deadly conflict with satan, and with all who are in league with him. We must conquer - or be conquered. We must overcome - or be overcome. To resist satan, to strive against sin - is our daily business! Another of our mottos is, "No compromise with satan!"

We have also to overcome the world. It is the enemy of God. It murdered our Saviour. It is still in determined opposition to Him. We must separate from it. Walk contrary to it. Be determined never to be ensnared or entangled by it. Another of our mottos is, "Not of the world!"

Here then is work for us. Enough to call forth all our courage, to employ all our skill, and to engage all our strength!

Let us look at our armor and weapons.

Truth, the truth of the gospel; and sincere attachment to the Saviour - is the belt that strengthens our loins.

Righteousness, right-heartedness in God's cause, and the perfect obedience of the Son of God placed to our account - defends the conscience and the heart.

The peace and pleasure which flows from the gospel, prepares us to walk in the roughest road - yes, to run in the way of God's commandments.

The hope of salvation protects the understanding, as the helmet defends the head.

With the shield of faith we catch and extinguish all the fiery darts of the devil.

With the sword of the Spirit, we cut down all that would oppose our progress, or cause us to fall.

And using all-prayer, we draw down supplies from above, so that we may not only conquer every foe - but be more than conquerors through Him that loved us.

The Caution. Boast not - young man, fresh recruit. In your new regimentals, and new armor; you may be tempted to do so - but remember the enemy is to be met, to be faced, to be overcome - before you will have cause for boasting. They know not the strength, the craft, or the cruelty of the foe - or they would be humble. satan may puff you up for there is great danger when we have a high opinion of ourselves and imagine that we can do wonders. Self-confidence and self-dependence are very dangerous. It is by faith in Jesus, by keeping close to Jesus - that we conquer. Great grace is the silent warrior: it fights but never boasts. It overcomes - but takes no credit to itself.

The Conquest. When the victory is won - we shall take off the armor. To the faithful soldier it is certain, for grace secures it. To the conqueror the prospect is delightful. But not until every foe is overcome. Our duty excludes boasting. The conqueror's armor will only be hung up in the hall of glory.

Reader, have you enlisted into the army of the Saviour? Have you put on the whole armor of God? The battle may be fierce - but with Jesus for your Captain, with His strength made perfect in your weakness, with His conqueroring banner floating over your head - every foe shall be slain or flee - and victory, eternal victory is sure!

Soon, very soon, the victorious army will return home in triumph! Soon, very soon, war shall cease, and peace shall be your portion, "and the ransomed of the Lord will return. They will enter Zion with singing; everlasting joy will crown their heads. Gladness and joy will overtake them, and sorrow and sighing will flee away!" (Isaiah 35:10).

~James Smith~

(The End)

Saturday, April 18, 2020

A Serious Inquiry # 2

A Serious Inquiry # 2

There is everything in man to offend the eyes of God's holiness, and to grieve His loving heart. Looking at man as fallen - polluted, and under the power of sin - we may well ask, "What is man, that You are mindful of him?" (Psalm 8:4).

What is man SPIRITUALLY? That is, man as renewed by the Holy Spirit, as united to Jesus, and as brought into fellowship with God. Man as a new creation. Man as in Christ. Ah! what is man then? It is like turning from a barren wilderness - to Eden, from an arid desert - to the garden of the Lord.

Renewed man is God's own CHILD. The child of His love. The child which He has adopted for His own. The child into which He has infused His own holy nature. The child on whom He confers His richest blessings, which He elevates to the highest honors. The child whom He constitutes His heir, and a joint-heir with His only begotten Son. The child to which He gives His Spirit, for which He prepares a city, and appoints a kingdom.

Man is God's CHOICE. When angels sinned - He cast them out of heaven, bound them in chains of darkness, and doomed them to appear before His Son for judgment. There was no mercy for them. Not one of all their vast number was chosen. They were left to reap the due desert of their deeds.

No so man. God saw that he would fall. He knew what he would become - and yet He chose out of fallen mankind, a number which no man can number to eternal life. "Lord, what is man, that You should choose him?" The only reply we can give is, "Even so, Father, for so it seemed good in Your sight."

Man is chosen in Christ - chosen to holiness - chosen to everlasting life - chosen to the highest honors, and the sweetest joys. How wonderful is God's grace - and His ways are past finding out. What an overwhelming thought for a sinner to cherish in his bosom, "I am God's choice! God has chosen me to salvation! God has chosen me of His own mere grace! God has chosen me, who deserved and must have sunk to hell - if left to myself! God has chosen me to be His child, the object of His love, and to share in all the glories of His heavenly kingdom!

Man is God's COMPANION. He is to walk with God. He is called to have fellowship with God. He is directed to pour out his heart before God. He is to treat God with confidence, communicating everything to Him, asking everything of Him, and expecting every good thing from Him. God promises to visit him, to manifest Himself to him, and to dwell in him and walk in Him. What astonishing grace! And will God, the great, the glorious, the holy God - take poor, sinful, vile, wretched man for His choice, His child, His companion? He will! He has done it! He is daily doing it! 

What will renewed man BE? This is a question no man can answer, for even the inspired Apostle John confesses his ignorance, "Beloved," says he, "now are we the sons of God, and it does not yet appear what we shall be - but when He shall appear we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is!" 

Renewed man will be like Jesus. Man will be with God. Man will see and hear and know, and possess, and enjoy - all he can possibly desire, all that his glorified nature is capable of. He will be more than unfallen Adam was, more than angels are, for he will be as nearly like God as perfected haman nature can be made like the Divine.

Let us then meditate devoutly upon this glorious subject, let us endeavor to realize our interest in it, and let us pray the Holy Spirit to unfold and apply it to our souls - until filled with surprise, humility, and profound gratitude we exclaim with David, "Lord, what is man, that You take knowledge of him! man is like to vanity, his days are as a shadow that passes away."

~James Smith~

(The End)

Saturday, April 11, 2020

A Serious Inquiry # 1

A Serious Inquiry # 1

"Lord, what is man that you should notice us, mere mortal that you should care for us?" (Psalm 144:3).

"Lord, what is man!" Thus the psalmist exclaimed, when reviewing the Lord's goodness to him, and recounting the gracious characters in which the Lord stood to him. Great trials and brought him great mercies. Great difficulties had given him a great experience of the Lord's goodness. He rejoices in God as his strength and instructor, the source of his mercy, his fortress, his high tower and his deliverer, his shield and the object of his trust. God had been to him - all that his circumstances required, so that notwithstanding his many fears and numerous foes - he had persevered and prevailed. Looking back upon the past - he felt constrained to look up, and looking up he was led to contrast God's goodness to him - with his own insignificance and unworthiness, and almost involuntarily cried out, "Lord, what is man!"

It is the language of surprise! He was struck with wonder and amazement at the conduct of his God, and full of admiration, he gives vent to his overpowering feelings in this brief exclamation.

It is the language of humility! He felt crushed under a sense of God's amazing kindness to one so sinful, to one so vile; the sense of God's undeserved grace laid him very low; and from the dust of self-abasement, he expressed his wonder at the Divine dealings with him.

It is the language of gratitude! His heart was full, it was overflowing with grateful praise. Surprised, humble, and grateful - he was prepared to glorify his good and gracious God. And this will be the case with us, when we take a retrospect of the past from the right point; when we look at ourselves - and then at our God; at our righteous deserts - and His merciful dealings. We will now briefly look at the question with a view to our own edification.

What is man PHYSICALLY? He is fearful and wonderfully made. He is the chief of the works of God. What a wonderful structure is the body! What wisdom is displayed in devising, arranging, and adapting the different parts - to form the one simple, yet complicated machine! The bones, the muscles, the blood vessels, the nerves, the brain, the flesh, the skin; the different organs of sight, hearing, smelling, tasting and feeling. What a beautiful and yet suitable dwelling theyform for the immortal soul.

Yet when we think of what man is, and then of what man was - how great the contrast. When we look at man in youth, in health, and in full vigor - and then at what man is when aged, or diseased, or dead; we cannot but feel ready to exclaim, "What is man!"

But when we direct our thoughts to God - to His greatness, glory, holiness, and immutability - we feel a still stronger impulse inducing us to cry, "What is man?" Man so little, so sinful, so sickly, so changeable, so transitory! "What is man - that You should magnify him? and that you should set your heart upon him? That you should visit him every morning, and try him every moment?"

What is man MORALLY? This is the worst part of the picture! It is bad enough to see man diseased, suffering, dying, moldering to dust; but when we come to inquire into the cause of all this - it is fearful indeed!

Man is dreadfully depraved. He has fallen from the state in which his good and glorious Creator placed him. He is now totally depraved. He is God's enemy, His heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked. His carnal mind is enmity against God. He is full of evil principles and evil passions. He has become, not only unprofitable - but abominable! No part of God's creation presents such a hideous sight to His pure and holy eyes - as man does, for in him heart and mind are alike depraved, and set in opposition to Himself.

Man is wicked - but he is not only wicked, he is weak. Sin has become a fearful disease within him. He has no will to do good. He has no power to do good - if he had the will. Hence the apostle when partially renewed, speaking of himself, said, "To will is present with me, but how to perform that which is good, I find not."

Man is perverse, he closes his eyes, his ears, and his heart against God! It is only for God to require something - and man determines not to do it; or for God to prohibit something - and man immediately desires it. His will is as much opposed to God as it can be. He slights His mercy, dares His justice, and defies His power. He perseveres in sin, unless the Lord by His invincible grace prevents him. He has sunk lower than the beasts which perish, hence the Lord complains, "The ox know his owner, and the donkey his master's crib - but Israel does not know, My people do not consider!"

~James Smith~

(continued with # 2)

Saturday, April 4, 2020

A Seasonable Prescription

A Seasonable Prescription

As we Christians advance in life, and know more of human nature, and the power of temptation - the greater interest should we take in the young, and the more urgently should we seek their salvation. It is a lovely sight to see aged Christians endeavoring to bring young people to the Saviour. And this we ought constantly to see - for they know the power of youthful lusts, of the world's attractions, of satanic influence, of the deceitfulness of the heart, and the value of the immortal soul!

Aged friends, do you feel and act, as you should for the young? Do you do all that you can to snatch them as brands from the burning?

Solomon was an old man when he wrote the book of Ecclesiastes, and in that book he manifests great solicitude for the young. Again and again he addresses them in different ways - but with what touching and subtle irony, does he speak to them in one place, "Be happy, young man, while you are young, and let your heart give you joy in the days of your youth. Follow the ways of your heart and whatever your eyes see. But KNOW that for all these things - God will bring you to judgment!" (Ecc. 11:9).

The Youth's Practice. He is happy in his youth - in his physical vigor, personal attractions, and newly acquired liberty. Feeling strong, he puts the day of judgment far from him. Vain of his person - he is proud of his appearance and abilities. Freed from the restraints of home - he removes the reins from the neck of his lusts. His heart cheers him on - and urges him forward in the pursuit of folly! He walks in the way of his heart - which is always evil. He is ignorant of its powers of deception. He is therefore deceived by the corrupt principles that work within it. He hushes his conscience to sleep, or by violence constrains it to be silent.

He then yields to the alluring influence of the world. And while so doing, satan tempts him to proceed farther and farther - plotting his eternal damnation!

He does what he thinks best in his own eyes - allowing them to mislead him. He walks by sight - not according to God's Word. He is led away by appearances, and despises the councel and example of the godly. He refuses to listen to, or be guided by the advice of parents. He despises, or slights, the preacher's admonition, and will be a law unto himself. He chooses vain people for his companions, and follows the example of the foolish! Let us now listen to,

The Preacher's Prescription. "Be happy, young man, while you are young, and let your heart give you joy in the days of your youth. Follow the ways of your heart and whatever your eyes see. But KNOW that for all these things - God will bring you to judgment!"

Take your own course - if you are determined. Go on the way which you prefer - if you think it best. Persevere in the path that you have chosen. but KNOW that there is an end to your course - and that end is a judgment! The judgment day is fixed - and it is therefore certain. The Judge stands at the door - it is therefore near. The dead, small and great, shall stand before God - it is therefore universal.

Every one of us shall give account of himself before God - it is therefore personal.

Before this final judgment, shall be gathered all nations - it will therefore be open and public. God will judge in justice and uprightness - it will therefore be final.

"But KNOW that for all these things - God will bring you to judgment!"

You will not be able to escape! You will not be overlooked or forgotten! You will be personally summoned - and there will be no evading!

Young man! Young woman! To you is this word of solemn admonition sent! See how many young people are being called away by death! Accidents! - how common. It is very probable that God may soon call for YOU! How necessary then that you be
ready, for death often gives but a short notice - or no notice!

God warns you by His providence; He directs you in His Word; He invites you by His ministers; and He will judge you by His Son!

Whenever therefore you are tempted to indulge in any unholy amusement or practice, remember these words: "But KNOW that for all these things - God will bring you to judgment!"

~James Smith~

(The End)