"A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things" (Matthew 12:35)
Every pastor knows the plain people who have nothing to recommend them but their deep devotion to their Lord and the fruit of the Spirit which they all unconsciously display. Without these the churches could not carry on.
These are the first to come forward when there is work to be done and the last to go home when there is prayer to be made. They are not known beyond the borders of their own parish because there is nothing dramatic in faithfulness or newsworthy in goodness, but their presence is a benediction wherever they go.
They have no greatness to draw to them the admiring eyes of carnal men but are content to be good men and full of the Holy Spirit.
When they die they leave behind them a fragrance of Christ that lingers long after the cheap celebrities of the day are forgotten.
It remains only to be said that not all men can be great, but all men are called to be good by the blood of the Lamb and the power of the Holy Spirit.
Come unto God, unite yourself to God, and the doing power you have is infinite!
~A. W. Tozer~
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