"And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place" (Acts 2:1)
Pentecost did not come and go - Pentecost came and stayed. Chronologically the day may be found on the historic calendar; dynamically it remains with us in all its fullness of power.
Today is the day of Pentecost. With the blessed Holy Spirit there is no Yesterday or Tomorrow - there is only the everlasting Now. And since He is altogether God, enjoying all the attributes of the Godhead, there is with Him no elsewhere; He inhabits an eternal Here. His center is Everywhere; His bound is Nowhere. It is impossible to leave His presence, though it is possible to have Him withdraw the manifestation of that presence.
Our insensibility to the presence of the Spirit is one of the greatest losses that our unbelief and preoccupation have cost us. We have made Him a tenet of our creed, we have enclosed Him in a religious word, but we have known Him little in personal experience.
When the Holy Spirit comes into our lives He does something. He accomplished something. He is more than a sentiment, a feeling, a fancy. He is an infinite force that enables us to accomplish all for which we were called as the disciples of Christ.
~A. W. Tozer~
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