"What things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ ... that I may know ... the fellowship of his sufferings" (Philippians 3:7, 10)
Christians have decided where to put the Cross. They have made the Cross objective instead of subjective. They have made the Cross external instead of internal. They have made it institutional instead of experiential.
Now, the terrible thing is that they are so wrong because they are half right. They are right in making the Cross objective. It was something that once stood on a hill with a man dying on it, the just for the unjust. They are right that it was an external Cross - for on that Cross God performed a judicial act that will last while the ages burn themselves out.
But here is where they are wrong. They fail to see that there is a very real Cross for you and me. There is a cross for every one of us - a cross that is subjective, internal, experiential. Our cross is an experience within. When that Cross on the hill has been transformed by the miraculous grace of the Holy Spirit into the cross in the heart, then we begin to know something of its true meaning and it will become to us the Cross of Power.
Our spiritual life is perfected by the constant recognition of the Cross and by our unceasing application of it to all our life and being.
~A. W. Tozer~
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