"For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light" (Ephesians 5:8)
Before a person can be filled with the Holy Spirit he must be sure he wants to be. Let us imagine that we are talking to an inquirer, some eager young Christian, let us say, who has sought us out to learn about the Spirit-filled life.
As gently as possible, considering the pointed nature of the questions, we would probe his soul somewhat as follows: "Are you sure you want to be filled with a Spirit who, though He is like Jesus in His gentleness and love, will nevertheless demand to be Lord of your life? Are you willing to let your personality be taken over by another, even if that other be the Spirit of God Himself?"
If the Spirit takes charge of your life He will expect unquestioning obedience in everything. He will not tolerate in you the self-sins even though they re permitted and excused by most Christians. By the self-sins I mean self-love, self-pity, self- seeking, self-confidence, self-righteousness, self-aggrandizement, self defense.
Self-denial consists in the voluntary renunciation of everything which is inconsistent with the glory of God and highest good of our fellow men.
~A. W. Tozer~
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