"But now in Christ Jesus ye ... are made nigh by the blood of Christ" (Ephesians 2:13)
Only a believing Christian can testify, "I am a sinner - saved by the grace of God!" But that i not the whole story. All that we have is cut of His grace. Jesus Christ, the eternal Word who became flesh and dwelt among us, is the open channel through whom God moves to provide all the benefits He gives, both to saints and to sinners - yes, even to sinners!
Even though you may still be unconverted and going your own way, you have received much out of the ocean of His fullness. You have received the pulsing life that beats in your bosom.
You have received the brilliant mind and the brain without which you could not function. You have received a memory that strings the events you cherish as a jeweler strings pearls into a necklace.
When we say to an unbelieving man, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ," we are actually saying to him: "Believe on the One who sustains you and upholds yo and who has given you life. Believe in the One who pities you and spares you and keeps you. Believe on the One out of whom you came!"
Lord, You are such a merciful God! Your offer of salvation is available to all men, women and children. You send Your rain on both the just and the unjust. Lord, open my eyes to those in my sphere of influence who don't know You. Amen
~A. W. Tozer~
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