Victory Through the Victor (continued)
The First Advent - The Saviour Comes (continued)
The Eternal Son became the Incarnate Son that He might become the world's Saviour. The first coming was the coming of a Saviour. The scarlet thread led to the Cross, where the Saviour's blood was shed for man's redemption.
But something more was involved in Christ's Saviourhood than the redemption of mankind; that something is the full and final restoration to the Father of His dominion over the earth and over mankind. There must be the return to but one kingdom, one throne, one will on earth and that the kingdom, the throne, the will of God. The Lord's prayer must be answered, "Our Father ... Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done,on earth as it is in heaven ... For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever." In order to fulfill Genesis 3:15 completely, His Saviourhood demands His sovereignty. This necessitates a full and final victory over satan and all his hosts. Every enemy of God must be conquered. The Cross, in God's purpose, is linked with the throne.
While on earth the Son of Man, the Representative Man, met every attack of satan from the manger-cradle to the Cross, and came forth from each assault more than Conqueror. The victory of the Cross had been affirmed and consummated by the victory of the resurrection and ascension. The One whom satan planned to bring to utter defeat through crucifixion by his wicked agents has himself met his doom at the Cross of Christ.
The incarnate Son went back home to the glory land. The Father welcomed His well-beloved Son whose hands, feet, and side and brow bear the scars of Calvary; the precious body of flesh and bones is a silent witness to the blood poured out on the cruel Cross. The gates and doors of heaven are opened wide for "the Lord of glory" crucified to enter and to be acclaimed as "the King of glory" magnified. The Father awaits the return of His Son that He may exalt Him to the place of greatest power and higher honor, even to sit with Him upon His throne and to crown Him Lord of all the celestial beings in heaven and the redeemed on earth.
Every guilty sinner who has acknowledged his guilt and has put faith in the Saviour has by His precious blood been redeemed,justified, and sanctified. The moment the sinner receives into his life the Christ of Calvary he is born again and thereby passes clean out of the kingdom of satan into the kingdom of God (John 3:3; Colossians 1:13)
The believer not only enters into the kingdom of God but that kingdom is now set up in his heart. Christ is to be owned as his Sovereign and to be allowed Lordship over his whole being. To this extent the beginning of the kingdom of God on earth is realized. The Saviour has begun to rule from the throne of His Father.
But there is something beyond that in store for Him. The eternal purpose of the Father which He purposed in the Son is not yet fully consummated. There are still two thrones at war. The enemy is still at large and functioning as prince of this world which is still actively in rebellion against God. The final battle has not yet been fought which will utterly dethrone satan and end his reign. The victory of the Cross must be implemented by the victory of the throne. Christ must come again to earth.
~Ruth Paxson~
(continued with # 36 - (The Second Advent - The Sovereign Comes)
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