Death (continued)
Two things are to be set in order - the house and the heart. The house - by settling our worldly estate. We shall die none the sooner, but we shall certainly be readier for death (Isaiah 38:1). The heart, by settling our spiritual estate; that is, making our calling and election sure; repenting of sin, receiving Christ Jesus the Lord, walking in all His commandments blameless. He who hath done this, is ready for death. (Philip Henry)
Lord, be pleased to shake my clay cottage before Thou throwest it down. Make it totter awhile before it doth tumble. Let me be summoned before I am surprised. (Thomas Fuller)
He who hath engaged to be our God for ever, cannot depart for ever. (Timothy Cruso)
God being a Father, if He hide His face from His child, it is in love. Desertion is sad in itself, a short hell (Job 6:9). When the light is withdrawn, dew falls. yet we may see a rainbow in the cloud, the love of a Father in all this. (Thomas Watson)
I know that, as night and shadows are good for flowers, and moonlight and dews are better than a continual sun, so is Christ's absence of special use, and that it hath some nourishing virtue in it, and giveth sap to humility, and putteth an edge on hunger, and furnished a fair field to faith to put forth itself, and to exercise its fingers in gripping it seeth not what. (Samuel Rutherford)
Though He leaves us for a time, yet doth He not forsake us for ever, no more than a nurse doth the weakling child. She maketh use of one fall to keep the child from many, and God doth make use of our sinning to make us see how prone we are to sin, and so prevent us for the future. (John Lightfoot)
The wounds of conscience which are in God's people are of the quality that none but God can cure them; for the chief thing that wounds them is the loss of God's favor, not simply His wrath. Nothing gives peace but the restoring of His favor and the light of His countenance; the same dart that wounded must heal again. "I smote him, and I will heal him." (Thomas Goodwin)
Did God really forsake Jesus Christ upon the Cross? Then from the desertion of Christ singular consolation springs up to the people of God...1. Christ's desertion is preventive of your final desertion. Because He was forsaken for a time you shall not be forsaken for ever. For He was forsaken for you. 2. Though God deserted Christ, yet at the same time He powerfully supported Him. His omnipotent arms were under Him, though His pleased face was hid from Him. He had not indeed His smiles, but He had His supportations. So, Christian, just so shall it be with thee. Thy God may turn away His face, He will not pluck away His arm. (John Flavel)
The Devil
Let us watch satan, for he watcheth us. There is no corporeal enemy, but a man naturally fears, the spiritual foe appears less terrible, because we are less sensible of him. Great conquerors have been chronicled for victories and extension of their kingdoms; satan is beyond them all. Saul has slain his thousands, and David his ten thousands; but satan his millions. He that fights with an enemy, whom nothing but blood can pacify, will give him no advantage. (Thomas Adams)
He [the devil] sometimes slanders God to men; as to Eve ... sometimes men to God; as Job ... and continually, man to man. (John Robinson)
satan has three titles given in the Scriptures, setting forth his malignity against the church of God; a dragon, to note his malice; a serpent, to note his subtlety; and a lion, to note his strength. (Edward Reynolds)
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