Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Puritan Nuggets of Gold # 70

Promises of God

The being of  God may as well fail as the promise of God. (Timothy Cruso)

Promises, though they be for a time seemingly delayed, cannot be finally frustrated ... the heart of God is not turned though His face be hid; and prayers are not flung back, though they be not instantly answered. (Timothy Cruso)

Three things are called precious in the Scripture: the blood of Christ is called "precious blood," (1 Peter 1:19); and faith is called "precious faith," (2 Peter 1:1); and the promises are called "precious promises," (2 Peter 1:4). (Thomas Brooks)

Christ's performances outstrip His promises. (Nehemiah Rogers)

"Peter was in prison, but prayer was made without ceasing of the church to God for him" (Acts 12:5). What greater happiness than to have God's promises and the saints prayers! (Thomas Watson)

It is better to be as low as hell with a promise, than in Paradise without one. (John Flavel)

For the most part we live upon successes, not promises: unless we see and feel the print of victories, we will not believe. (John Owen)


As men cherish young plants at first, and fence them about to keep them from hurt, but when they are grown, they remove them, and then leave them to the wind and weather, so God bests His children first with props of inward comforts, but afterwards exposes them to storms and winds, because they are better able to bear it. Therefore let no man think himself the better because he is free from troubles. It is because God sees him not fit to bear greater. (Richard Sibbes)

Where one thousand are destroyed by the world's frowns, ten thousand are destroyed by the world's smiles. The world, siren-like, sings us and sinks us. (Thomas Brooks)

And as men's diversions increase from the world, so do their entanglements from satan. When they have more to do in the world than they can well manage, they shall have more to do from satan than they can well withstand. (John Owen)

David could bear persecution without murmuring, but when he came to prosperity he could not turn away his eyes from vanity. (Sir Richard Baker)

Build your nest upon no tree here; for you see God has sold the forest to death. (Samuel Rutherford)

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