Monday, August 24, 2015

Thy Kingdom Come # 13

Four Great Battles in Babylon (continued)

4. A Battle for the Lord's Purpose (continued)

He could not do anything about recovery or restoration, any more than others. Only God could do it. But he could believe for it, he could stand for it, he could testify about it. While it is true that he had a special vision, it is also true that he based his expectations on the Word of God. He prayed for it because he found it written in "the books." Daniel fought the battle of the recovery of a full testimony among God's people, because he had become convinced that this represented the purpose of God. There was nothing superior or exclusive about him, far from it. He loved the people of God, he travailed in the secret place for them, he went into the lion's den for them, but he never settled down to their limited position, nor did he apologize for his expectations of a new and better day.

There is still a battle to be fought for God's purpose in His people. There is still a need for those who will be uncompromising in declaring what God has shown them in His Word, still a need for the open windows and a willingness to go into the lion's den, still a need for those who will go on praying and giving thanks until the kingdom really comes.

Thy Kingdom Come

3. The Kingdom and the Name

"Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come" (Matthew 6:9, 10)

We have already seen that the book of Daniel has many references to kingdoms, to visions and to warfare. We now turn to find in it various names given to God. There are a surprising number for such a small book, and each doubtless has its own special significance. Our concern is not only Bible study, but a quest for spiritual light on the connection of the kingdom with the Name.

The Living God

There is one which should serve as a preface to all the rest - "the living God" (6:26). There is nothing formal or unreal about Him. Everything associated with Him, including every title, name or description, is vital. The Lord has a great number of designations, but He fills them all with vital reality. Not a single one describes what cannot be found in actual living expression. His kingdom is "not in word, but in power" (1 Corinthians 6:20); He is the Living God. It is a pity that His people are not always like this. Think of the titles given to Christians: "believers," "saints", "a kingdom of priests". It only we lived up to them! But when we come to consider the Lord's names we need fear no disappointment. He fills every one of His titles to the full, and proves Himself worthy of them all.

~T. Austin-Sparks~

(continued with # 14 - (Revealer of Secrets)

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