Saturday, September 19, 2015

The Unsearchable Riches of Christ # 27

The Exceeding Riches of His Grace: Consummation (continued)

Dear friends, we shall absolutely agree with one another then, for we shall all be saying the same thing, and all be doing the same thing, and that will not be monotonous and uninteresting to be all the time occupied with one thing. What will that be? And there are various ways of putting it, but I think it will be: "Oh, what a lot we owe to the grace of God! That will be our eternal occupation, the wonder of His grace, the marvel of His grace. If the Apostle Paul was able to say, in the presence of his large and yet so imperfect apprehension and knowledge and realization of the grace of God, if the apostle was able to say, "Oh the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God. How unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out," if he could say, "It was given to me, the least of all saints to preach the unsearchable riches of Christ," if in the imperfection even of that knowledge and ministry he could speak like that, what about when we come into the utter fullness of it in the age of the ages?!  We will be saying all the time, "Oh the depth of the riches, the unsearchable riches, the riches of His grace." But do you notice - the apostle does say, "Walk worthy of the calling wherewith you are called in all meekness," - that is, selflessness and lowliness. "Walk," he would say, "in the grace," which is going to lead at last to this oneness. Yes, we must learn to walk in grace as far as people will allow us to do so, and as far as we can make it possible for them to do so with us.

Let us ask the Lord that this grace, this grace of fellowship, of oneness, may be found in us increasingly now. Of course, there are a lot of Christians who will not let us, who will make it impossible for us to have fellowship, and to be together. But, as far as it is in our power, let us seek by the grace of God to live in the light of the  day when He will reunite in Christ all things in heaven and on earth.

~T. Austin-Sparks~

(continued with # 28 - (The Riches of His Glory: The Pathway of the Glory)

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