Love Always Hopes
Love always hopes. 1 Corinthians 13:7
Love always hopes. It hopes for the best and is prepared for the worst. It is hopeful because its hope is in the Lord. As the old hymn proclaims, “My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.” When we love God we also hope in Him, because we are sure of His promises that transcend hope and provide assurance. Promises such as, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5b). Moreover, faith helps us be sure of what we hope for. As it says in Hebrews 11:1: “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” Faith, hope, and love are all first cousins; they complement each other and support one another.
Love hopes because it knows the end of the story, for heaven is its destiny. It bridles its emotions to resist fear because love casts out fear (I John 4:18, NKJV). Hope conquers death and fear because Jesus has gone before us and done the same (Acts 2:23-24). Therefore, you can be hopeful because you get to hang out in heaven with your Lord and Savior, Jesus. But there is something just as big that you can hope for in real time. You can hope that others you love will place their faith in Jesus Christ.
You know it is God’s will for them to be saved from their sin (2 Peter 3:9), but your part is not to get them saved, but to love them to the Lord. Some plant and some water, but it is God who makes faith grow (1 Corinthians 3:6). It is the Lord who convicts and draws people unto Himself. But be hopeful. If God can save us, He can save anybody. Do not give up on praying for and loving your family and friends, because love always hopes.
Love always hopes, especially when you are drowning in adversity. You may feel like you can only come up for air one more time. The undertow of your circumstances may be sucking you out into the sea of despair. Your emotional energy may be overspent and close to bankruptcy. Your marriage seems hopeless, but you are still called to love. Your health has ravaged hope, but you are still called to love. A relationship may be hopeless, but you are still called to love. You are struggling to find hope in your finances, but you are still called to love. Hopelessness has hijacked your work, but God still calls you to love.
Love in spite of your sorry situation, and the feelings of hope will catch up. You do not have to love the situation, but you can still love those around you. You can love the Lord, and you can love yourself. It is okay to not like what you are going through right now, but continue to love. Love, for love leads to hope and drops despair. Hope follows love as ducklings follow their mother. Love is a creator of hope. Therefore, anticipate the outcome of aligning with Almighty God’s agenda. Love Him and love others. Love especially when you don’t feel like loving. Be hopeful, for love always hopes.
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