Self-Renunciation # 4
Gratitude demands it of you. What blessedness has God conferred upon you by redeeming you! From what degradation, misery, and eternal woe, He has saved you! And to what honor, happiness, and eternal glory, He has advanced you!
Personal interest demands it of you. How can you be so highly honored, so happily for yourself employed - as in glorifying God? What losses would we not willingly sustain; what sufferings endure; what labor would we not willingly maintain; what self-denial would we not willingly exercise; what enjoyment would we not willingly forgo; what mortification would we not willingly inflict - in order that we may glorify God?
But what I now dwell upon as the strongest of all claims upon us to glorify God, is this - LOVE demands it. That you should glorify God, is the very end of your redemption. "Who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify Himself a peculiar people, zealous for good works," (Titus 2:14). "For the love of Christ constrains us; because we thus judge, that if one died for all, then were all dead: and that He died for all, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto Him who died for them, and rose again," (2 Cor. 5:11, 15). I do not now lead you forth to the vast field of creation which you form a part, and remind you of the claim founded on the power that made you and all things. I do not place you imagination upon the borders of the flaming pit, from which there is no redemption, and as the howlings of lost souls, and the smoke of their torment, ascend up forever and ever - remind you of the dreadful award of justice upon those who will not glorify God.
But I conduct you to Calvary at the hour of crucifixion, and as you gaze upon the Son of God, hanging on the Cross, while the blood is flowing from His wounds, and He is exclaiming, as from the lowest depth of His agony, "My God! my God! why have you forsaken me?" I ask you what is the true meaning and design of that wondrous scene? It is Jesus Christ paying, in groans, and tears, and blood - the price of your redemption! It is Jesus Christ thus and forever establishing His right to your whole self, your whole life, and your whole possession. It is Jesus Christ setting down the sum of your deliverances, and ratifying His claim to your entire temporal and eternal existence!
What a robbery of God, what a felony upon heaven, is it to attempt, or even to wish to live for ourselves! Which of us can make the daring attempt, or cherish the unjust, ungrateful wish? And yet how prone are we to this! How much of this wicked sacrilege is going on! How many professors, in opposition to claims so sacred, so tender, and so strong - are living for their own ease, enjoyment, and aggrandizement! How few do we see who seem to be sensible of the claims of the Lord Jesus Christ! How few, who enter as they should do into that admonition, "Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do - do all to the glory of God!" How few, who connect the glory of God with the whole course of their conduct, as the end of every action, the ultimate object of all they do! How few, to whom it is matter of plan, forethought, purpose, and calculation - to lay out themselves to be holy, useful, and successful in leading others to think upon God, and inquire after Him!
My dear friends, study again your obligations. Rise each morning, designing to glory God by all the varying circumstances of the day; and each night, as you lay your head upon your pillow, ask the question, "Have I glorified God today?" Enter every new situation - meet every new trial - engage in every new effort, saying, Father, help me to glory you!" Consider every place a scene for this duty - the shop, the house, the market; as well as the house of God. When sinking down from this high purpose, and you are in danger of becoming self-indulgent, worldly-minded, and intent upon ease and gratification - cast a look at the Cross, and listen to the reproving words which come from it: "You are not your own!"
The phrase, glorifying God - how has this sublime expression been abused; to what low and selfish,secular and sectarian ends has it been prostituted; how has it been employed to sanction deeds, and to cover motives, which the Scripture condemns, and the mind of God abhors! Rescue it from degradation; roll away from it reproach; and convince those who never utter it but with a sneer and a taunt, that amidst many to whom it is mere religious verbiage, there are some who feel the claim of redeeming mercy, and who, by a life of obedience to the Word of God, and conformity to His image, are seeking to glorify their Father who is in heaven; and who, sensible of their utter insufficiency of themselves for a work so difficult and so high - are engaged in fervent, constant, and believing prayer for the necessary aid of the Holy Spirit.
~John Angell James~
(The End)
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