How To Spend Each Day With God # 2 (and others)
Redeeming The Time
Place a high value upon your time, be more careful of not losing it than you would of losing your money. Do not let worthless recreations, worldly entertainment, idle talk, unprofitable company, or sleep - rob you of your precious time.
Be more careful to escape that person, action, or course of life which would rob you of your time - than you would be to escape thieves and robbers.
Make sure that you are not merely idle, but rather that you are using your time in the most profitable way that you can, and do not prefer a less profitable way before one of greater profit.
Eating and Drinking
Eat and drink with moderation and thankfulness for health, not for unprofitable pleasure. Never please your appetite in food or drink, when it is prone to be detrimental to your health.
Remember the sin of Sodom: "Look, this was the iniquity of your sister Sodom: She and her daughter had pride, fullness of food and abundance of idleness" (Ezekiel 16:49).
The Apostle Paul wept when he mentioned those "whose end is destruction, whose god is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame - who set their minds on earthly things, being enemies to the Cross of Christ" (Phil. 3:18-19). O then do not live according to the flesh, lest you die! (Romans 8:13).
Prevailing Sins
If any temptation prevails against you, and you fall into any sins in addition to habitual failures, immediately lament it and confess it to God; repent quickly whatever the cost. It will certainly cost you more if you continue in sin and remain unrepentant.
Do not make light of your habitual failures, but confess them and daily strive against them, taking care not to aggravate them by unrepentance and contempt.
Remember every day, the special duties of various relationships: whether as husbands, wives, children, masters, servants, pastors, people, magistrates, subjects.
Remember every relationship has its special duty and its advantages for the doing of some good. God requires your faithfulness in this matter, as well as in any other duty.
Closing the Day
Before returning to sleep, it is wise and necessary to review the actions and mercies of the day past, so that you may be thankful for all the special mercies, and humbled for all your sins.
This is necessary in order that you might renew your repentance as well as your resolve for obedience, and in order that you may examine yourself to see whether your soul grew better or worse, whether sin goes down and grace goes up, and whether you are better prepared for suffering, death and eternity.
May these directions be engraved upon your mind and be made the daily practice of your life.
If sincerely adhered to, these will be conducive to the holiness, fruitfulness, and quietness of your life, and bring you to a comfortable and peaceful death.
~Richard Baxter~
(The End)
Life .... Revealed!
In John 4 we have two days of interruption.
What a two days were those! For two days the divine mission to Israel was set aside, for two days the burden of Israel's prophets, and the fulfillment of their prophecies, was held in abeyance and a new mission was brought to light.
The Grace, the Mercy and the Truth of the Son of God were not for Israel in those days, but for an alien people outside the scope of the promises.
In those days revelation was given to Samaria. A people without the history and the knowledge of which Israel boasted, was given a special unveiling which Israel was incapable of receiving.
In those two days God reached beyond the racial and cultural divide, beyond the division of religion and of sin, and unveiled a realm where the Spirit alone was important. In those two days, in the outworking of God's purpose, there was revealed: truth which was not local in its scope, pertaining to a particular nation or city, truth not found in the outward righteousness of ceremonial observances.
Jesus' words to the woman at the well were the essence of simplicity and directness: "there is Living Water...A Gift."
With what infinite compassion He showed her, 'That water of yours will give way to thirst...the water I give is Life within - ever springing"...
Think how this woman, an alien to Israel and the promises of the chosen people, ignorant of the Way, stained with a life of sin, and without hope, grasped what was hidden to Israel; and SAW the Life, and the Grace, and the Mercy.
Think how the instant capture of the Truth led her back into town and ushered in two days in which the heavens were opened upon Samaria, and Grace was outpoured.
Think how for two days Jesus laid aside His mission to His own people and gave Himself wholly to those forgotten ones.
Today in our society, just as in Israel then, the God-given revelation has become choked with all sorts of human conditioning. We have lost the Living Essence, and are left to follow vainly empty forms, seeking light from extinguished lamps.
To the woman Jesus said, "The hour cometh, and NOW is." For us also, in our day, it is the hour; the time when God desires to reveal again to those who thirst Waters which Satisfy Forever.
"The hour" of His promise, His visitation - how we allow Time to steal it from us... how hard it is for us to say, "Now"... how hard to believe for an answer NOW. God interrupted her world with a "NOW", and so with us, we need the interruption of God's NOW in our living. He would say to us today, that NOW as we seek Him, He will come to us also in a new-born revelation of the limitlessness of Life as it is poured forth from Him.
Beyond all we know, beyond all we have rested upon, there awaits us God's Life flowing - Fresh and Forever!
~Paul Ravenhill~
For those who hunger and thirst after God. For those who want to honor Christ and glorify God.
Saturday, October 27, 2018
Saturday, October 20, 2018
How To Spend Each Day With God # 1
How To Spend Each Day With God # 1
A holy life is inclined to be made easier, when we know the usual sequence and method of our duties - with everything falling into its proper place. Therefore, I shall give some brief directions for spending each day in a holy manner.
Measure the time of your sleep appropriately so that you do not waste your precious morning hours sluggishly in your bed. Let the time of your sleep be matched to your health and labor, and not to slothful pleasure.
Let God have your first awaking thoughts; lift up your hearts to Him reverently and thankfully for the rest enjoyed the night before, and cast yourself upon Him for the day which follows.
Familiarize yourself so consistently to this that your conscience may check you when common thoughts shall first intrude. Think of the mercy of a night's rest and of how many that have spent that night in hell; how many in prison; how many a cold, hard lodgings; how many suffering from agonizing pains and sickness, weary of their beds and of their lives.
Think of how many souls were that night called from their bodies terrifyingly to appear before God and think how quickly days and nights are rolling on! How speedily your last night and day will come! Observe that which is lacking in the preparedness of your soul for such a time and seek it without delay.
Let prayer be yourself alone (or with your partner) take place before the collective prayer of the family. If possible let it be first, before any work of the day.
Let family worship be performed consistently and at a time when it is most likely for the family to be free of interruptions.
Remember your ultimate purpose, and when you set yourself to your day's work or approach any activity in the world, let HOLINESS TO THE LORD be written upon your hearts in all that you do. Do no activity which you cannot entitle God to, and truly say that He set you about it - and do nothing in the world for any other ultimate purpose than to please, glorify and enjoy Him. "Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God" (1 Cor. 10:31).
Follow the tasks of your calling carefully and diligently. Thus:
1. You will show that you are not sluggish and servants to your flesh, and you will further the putting to death of all the fleshly lusts and desires that are fed by ease and idleness.
2. You will keep out idle thoughts from your mind, that swarm in the minds of idle persons.
3. You will not lose precious time, something that idle persons are daily guilty of.
4. You will be in a way of obedience to God when the slothful are in constant sins of omission.
5. You may have more time to spend in holy duties if you follow your occupation diligently. Idle people have no time for praying and reading, because they lose time by loitering at their work.
6. You may expect God's blessing and comfortable provision for both yourself and your families.
7. It may also encourage the health of your body which will increase its competence for the service of your soul.
Be thoroughly acquainted with your besetting temptations and the things that may corrupt you - and watch against them all day long. You should watch especially the most dangerous of the things that corrupt, and those temptations that either your company or business will unavoidably lay before you.
Watch against the master sins of unbelief, hypocrisy, selfishness, pride, flesh-pleasing and the excessive love of earthly things. Take care against being drawn into earthly-mindedness and excessive cares, or covetous designs for rising in the world, under the pretense of diligence in your calling.
In all your your interactions with others, be vigilant against selfishness, injustice or uncharitableness. Watch against the temptation of idle talking, anger. Maintain that modesty and cleanness of speech that purity require. If you converse with flatterers - be on your guard against swelling pride. At first these things will be very difficult, while sin has any strength in you, but once you have grasped a continual awareness of the poisonous danger of any one of these sins, your heart will readily and easily avoid them.
When alone, improve the time in practical and beneficial meditations. Meditate upon the infinite goodness and perfections of God; Christ and redemption; heaven and how unworthy you are of going there; and how you deserve eternal misery in hell.
Whatever you are doing, in company or alone, do it all to the glory of God (1 Cor. 10:31). Otherwise, it is unacceptable to God.
~Richard Baxter~
(continued with # 2)
A holy life is inclined to be made easier, when we know the usual sequence and method of our duties - with everything falling into its proper place. Therefore, I shall give some brief directions for spending each day in a holy manner.
Measure the time of your sleep appropriately so that you do not waste your precious morning hours sluggishly in your bed. Let the time of your sleep be matched to your health and labor, and not to slothful pleasure.
Let God have your first awaking thoughts; lift up your hearts to Him reverently and thankfully for the rest enjoyed the night before, and cast yourself upon Him for the day which follows.
Familiarize yourself so consistently to this that your conscience may check you when common thoughts shall first intrude. Think of the mercy of a night's rest and of how many that have spent that night in hell; how many in prison; how many a cold, hard lodgings; how many suffering from agonizing pains and sickness, weary of their beds and of their lives.
Think of how many souls were that night called from their bodies terrifyingly to appear before God and think how quickly days and nights are rolling on! How speedily your last night and day will come! Observe that which is lacking in the preparedness of your soul for such a time and seek it without delay.
Let prayer be yourself alone (or with your partner) take place before the collective prayer of the family. If possible let it be first, before any work of the day.
Let family worship be performed consistently and at a time when it is most likely for the family to be free of interruptions.
Remember your ultimate purpose, and when you set yourself to your day's work or approach any activity in the world, let HOLINESS TO THE LORD be written upon your hearts in all that you do. Do no activity which you cannot entitle God to, and truly say that He set you about it - and do nothing in the world for any other ultimate purpose than to please, glorify and enjoy Him. "Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God" (1 Cor. 10:31).
Follow the tasks of your calling carefully and diligently. Thus:
1. You will show that you are not sluggish and servants to your flesh, and you will further the putting to death of all the fleshly lusts and desires that are fed by ease and idleness.
2. You will keep out idle thoughts from your mind, that swarm in the minds of idle persons.
3. You will not lose precious time, something that idle persons are daily guilty of.
4. You will be in a way of obedience to God when the slothful are in constant sins of omission.
5. You may have more time to spend in holy duties if you follow your occupation diligently. Idle people have no time for praying and reading, because they lose time by loitering at their work.
6. You may expect God's blessing and comfortable provision for both yourself and your families.
7. It may also encourage the health of your body which will increase its competence for the service of your soul.
Be thoroughly acquainted with your besetting temptations and the things that may corrupt you - and watch against them all day long. You should watch especially the most dangerous of the things that corrupt, and those temptations that either your company or business will unavoidably lay before you.
Watch against the master sins of unbelief, hypocrisy, selfishness, pride, flesh-pleasing and the excessive love of earthly things. Take care against being drawn into earthly-mindedness and excessive cares, or covetous designs for rising in the world, under the pretense of diligence in your calling.
In all your your interactions with others, be vigilant against selfishness, injustice or uncharitableness. Watch against the temptation of idle talking, anger. Maintain that modesty and cleanness of speech that purity require. If you converse with flatterers - be on your guard against swelling pride. At first these things will be very difficult, while sin has any strength in you, but once you have grasped a continual awareness of the poisonous danger of any one of these sins, your heart will readily and easily avoid them.
When alone, improve the time in practical and beneficial meditations. Meditate upon the infinite goodness and perfections of God; Christ and redemption; heaven and how unworthy you are of going there; and how you deserve eternal misery in hell.
Whatever you are doing, in company or alone, do it all to the glory of God (1 Cor. 10:31). Otherwise, it is unacceptable to God.
~Richard Baxter~
(continued with # 2)
Saturday, October 13, 2018
Christ Exalted # 2
Christ Exalted # 2
He is the PEARL of GREAT PRICE, or the priceless pearl, which all who sincerely seek - find, all who find - may claim, and all who possess - are enriched forever!
He is the PHYSICIAN, who heals all spiritual disorders, restores every patient to perfect health, and bestows medicine and care freely.
He is the RANSOM, which procured our release, ensures our liberty, and preserves us from going down into the pit!
He is the RIGHTEOUSNESS, which justifies us from all charges, entitles us to eternal life, and enables us to lift up our heads with boldness in God's presence.
He is the TRUTH, which enlightens the mind, purifies the heart, adn regulates the life.
He is the FIRE, which purges our dross, brightens our graces, and cleanses our consciences from works which deserve death.
He is the SHEPHERD, who knows every sheep, watches over the whole flock, and never loses a lamb, by disease, accident, or beast of prey.
He is the CAPTAIN of SALVATION, who collects His soldiers, disciplines His troops, and leads them forth to certain victory.
He is the LADDER, by which we rise from this earth, lose sight of carnal things, and ascend to the presence of God!
He is the SURETY who engaged for us in the everlasting covenant, who is hel responsible for our salvation, who has pledged toset us before His Father's throne forever.
He is the WALL of FIRE, which surrounds, enlightens and infallibly protects.
He is the CHIEF among ten thousand, and the
Precious Lord Jesus, allow me to know You more fully, to trust You more heartily, to serve You more diligently, to enjoy You more frequently, to imitate You more closely, to exalt You more highly, and to show forth Your salvation from day to day!
Your love - is my Heaven, Your Presence - is my delight, and Your service - is the joy of my heart!
Let me daily walk with You, work for You, and bring glory to You!
Oh, send Your Spirit to my poor heart to exalt You, to honor You, to endear You to my soul!
Use me to bring lost sinners to Your Cross, believers to Your throne of grace, backslidders to the path of obedience.
Be my strength in life, solace in death, and eternal portion beyond the grave!
~James Smith~
(The End)
He is the PEARL of GREAT PRICE, or the priceless pearl, which all who sincerely seek - find, all who find - may claim, and all who possess - are enriched forever!
He is the PHYSICIAN, who heals all spiritual disorders, restores every patient to perfect health, and bestows medicine and care freely.
He is the RANSOM, which procured our release, ensures our liberty, and preserves us from going down into the pit!
He is the RIGHTEOUSNESS, which justifies us from all charges, entitles us to eternal life, and enables us to lift up our heads with boldness in God's presence.
He is the TRUTH, which enlightens the mind, purifies the heart, adn regulates the life.
He is the FIRE, which purges our dross, brightens our graces, and cleanses our consciences from works which deserve death.
He is the SHEPHERD, who knows every sheep, watches over the whole flock, and never loses a lamb, by disease, accident, or beast of prey.
He is the CAPTAIN of SALVATION, who collects His soldiers, disciplines His troops, and leads them forth to certain victory.
He is the LADDER, by which we rise from this earth, lose sight of carnal things, and ascend to the presence of God!
He is the SURETY who engaged for us in the everlasting covenant, who is hel responsible for our salvation, who has pledged toset us before His Father's throne forever.
He is the WALL of FIRE, which surrounds, enlightens and infallibly protects.
He is the CHIEF among ten thousand, and the
Precious Lord Jesus, allow me to know You more fully, to trust You more heartily, to serve You more diligently, to enjoy You more frequently, to imitate You more closely, to exalt You more highly, and to show forth Your salvation from day to day!
Your love - is my Heaven, Your Presence - is my delight, and Your service - is the joy of my heart!
Let me daily walk with You, work for You, and bring glory to You!
Oh, send Your Spirit to my poor heart to exalt You, to honor You, to endear You to my soul!
Use me to bring lost sinners to Your Cross, believers to Your throne of grace, backslidders to the path of obedience.
Be my strength in life, solace in death, and eternal portion beyond the grave!
~James Smith~
(The End)
Christ Exalted! # 1
Christ Exalted! # 1
If we look at the comparisons which are made use of by the Holy Spirit to set Christ forth - we behold something more of His loveliness.
He is compared to a MOTHER, and is said to have more than a mother's tenderness, kindness, and care. His concern for His people is constant, He never loses sight of them for a moment, and He pledges His Word that He will never forget them!
He is the CITY of REFUGE, with the broad and clear road, the gates wide open, and the hearty welcome awaiting every sinner who approaches to escape the threatening vengeance!
He is the STRONGHOLD, which emboldens, supplies, and secures all the prisoners of hope.
He is the ROCK, which shades, shelters, and refreshes the weary traveler.
He is the DAY-STAR, which betokens brighter scenes, and guides the vessel of mercy across the boisterous deep - to the heaven of perfect redemption and safety.
He is the SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, whose rising cheers the benighted pilgrim, makes glad the weary citizen of Heaven, and produces moral beauty and fruitfulness in our world.
He is the APPLE-TREE among the trees of the forest whose blossoms are beautiful, whose shade is refreshing, and whose fruit is sweet to the taste.
He is the BREAD OF LIFE, which came down from heaven satisfying the hungry, strengthening the weak, and giving life unto the world.
He is the BRAZEN SERPENT, which heals easily, instantly, and perfectly - all who look to Him by faith.
He is the WATER OF SALVATION, which cleanses the filthy, refreshes the weary, and makes glad the city of God.
He is the only WAY, which leads from sin, condemnation, and wrath - to life, holiness, and heaven!
He is the HEAD, which thinks, plans, and contrives for the welfare of the whole of His mystical body.
He is the DOOR, which admits to the pastures of Divine truth, the privileges of His Church below, and His Father's glorious presence!
He is the FOUNDATION on which all must build for eternity, and which alone is able to support our hopes and sustain our souls - amidst the wreck of matter and the crash of worlds!
He is the CORNER-STONE, which unites, beautifies, and strengthens the whole building of divine mercy.
He is the TEMPLE, where God meets with us, accepts us, and imparts His blessings to us.
He is the ALTAR, which sanctifies both the gift and the giver.
He is the VINE, which communicates life, nourishment, and fruitfulness to all its branches.
He is the ROSE OF SHARON and the LILY of the VALLEY - fragrant, lovely, attractive, perfuming, and unequaled in beauty and grace!
He is the FORERUNNER, who is gone before His flock - removing the obstacles, marking out the road, and ready to receive them as they finish their course.
He is a FRIEND who loves at all times, whose mind never changes, whose love never cools, and who never neglects a friend in distress.
He is the greatest, best, and most glorious GIFT of GOD - including, securing, and conferring - every good thing upon those who sincerely receive Him.
He is the KINSMAN who redeems the forfeited inheritance, who ransoms all His poor relatives from slavery, and whose name is held in renown.
He is the LAMB of GOD, who took up, expiated, and forever put away - the sins of all who trust in Him.
He is the MESSENGER of the COVENANT, who brings good news from God, carries all our requests to God, and ever stands as a Mediator between us and God.
~James Smith~
(continued with # 2)
If we look at the comparisons which are made use of by the Holy Spirit to set Christ forth - we behold something more of His loveliness.
He is compared to a MOTHER, and is said to have more than a mother's tenderness, kindness, and care. His concern for His people is constant, He never loses sight of them for a moment, and He pledges His Word that He will never forget them!
He is the CITY of REFUGE, with the broad and clear road, the gates wide open, and the hearty welcome awaiting every sinner who approaches to escape the threatening vengeance!
He is the STRONGHOLD, which emboldens, supplies, and secures all the prisoners of hope.
He is the ROCK, which shades, shelters, and refreshes the weary traveler.
He is the DAY-STAR, which betokens brighter scenes, and guides the vessel of mercy across the boisterous deep - to the heaven of perfect redemption and safety.
He is the SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, whose rising cheers the benighted pilgrim, makes glad the weary citizen of Heaven, and produces moral beauty and fruitfulness in our world.
He is the APPLE-TREE among the trees of the forest whose blossoms are beautiful, whose shade is refreshing, and whose fruit is sweet to the taste.
He is the BREAD OF LIFE, which came down from heaven satisfying the hungry, strengthening the weak, and giving life unto the world.
He is the BRAZEN SERPENT, which heals easily, instantly, and perfectly - all who look to Him by faith.
He is the WATER OF SALVATION, which cleanses the filthy, refreshes the weary, and makes glad the city of God.
He is the only WAY, which leads from sin, condemnation, and wrath - to life, holiness, and heaven!
He is the HEAD, which thinks, plans, and contrives for the welfare of the whole of His mystical body.
He is the DOOR, which admits to the pastures of Divine truth, the privileges of His Church below, and His Father's glorious presence!
He is the FOUNDATION on which all must build for eternity, and which alone is able to support our hopes and sustain our souls - amidst the wreck of matter and the crash of worlds!
He is the CORNER-STONE, which unites, beautifies, and strengthens the whole building of divine mercy.
He is the TEMPLE, where God meets with us, accepts us, and imparts His blessings to us.
He is the ALTAR, which sanctifies both the gift and the giver.
He is the VINE, which communicates life, nourishment, and fruitfulness to all its branches.
He is the ROSE OF SHARON and the LILY of the VALLEY - fragrant, lovely, attractive, perfuming, and unequaled in beauty and grace!
He is the FORERUNNER, who is gone before His flock - removing the obstacles, marking out the road, and ready to receive them as they finish their course.
He is a FRIEND who loves at all times, whose mind never changes, whose love never cools, and who never neglects a friend in distress.
He is the greatest, best, and most glorious GIFT of GOD - including, securing, and conferring - every good thing upon those who sincerely receive Him.
He is the KINSMAN who redeems the forfeited inheritance, who ransoms all His poor relatives from slavery, and whose name is held in renown.
He is the LAMB of GOD, who took up, expiated, and forever put away - the sins of all who trust in Him.
He is the MESSENGER of the COVENANT, who brings good news from God, carries all our requests to God, and ever stands as a Mediator between us and God.
~James Smith~
(continued with # 2)
Saturday, October 6, 2018
Gems From Thomas Watson and John Angell James
Gems From Thomas Watson and John Angell James
In hell, they desire to die - but they cannot. The wicked shall be always dying - but never dead; the smoke of the furnace ascends forever and ever. Oh! who can endure thus to be ever upon the rack? This word "forever" breaks the heart! Wicked men do now think the Sabbaths long, and think a prayer long - but oh! how long will it be to lie in hell forever and ever?
The torments of hell abide forever. If all the earth and sea were sand, and every thousandth year a little bird should come, and take away one grain of this sand - it would be a long time before that vast heap of sand were emptied. Yet, if after all that time the damned may come out of hell, there would be some hope. But this word FOREVER breaks the heart!
True faith will trust God's heart - where it cannot trace His hand.
To render evil for evil, is brutish; to render evil for good, is devilish; to render good for evil, is Christian.
The world is a flattering enemy, it kills by embracing. Whom the world kisses, ti betrays. Is Heaven in your eye, and Christ in your heart, and the world under your feet?
Do not look upon your troubles - as to forget your mercies.
He who is proud of his knowledge - the devil cares not how much he knows!
Christ shed tears, for those who shed His blood.
God loves a broken heart - not a divided heart.
'Tis vain to speak of hopes of salvation - and yet have the marks of damnation! It will be so much the worse to go to hell, with hopes of Heaven.
An idle person is a fit subject for the devil to work upon.
Look upon a humble Saviour - and let your plumes of pride fall off.
The higher the lark flies - the sweeter the songs. Did our thoughts dwell above - we would live sweeter lives.
Heaven is a place whee sorrow cannot live, and joy cannot die.
Prayer keeps the heart open to God, and shut to sin.
Prosperity exposes to much evil. It is hard to carry a full cup without spilling - and a full estate without sinning. Many pray Agur's first prayer, "Give me not poverty." Few pray his last prayer, "Give me not riches" (Proverbs 30:8).
He who believes not in the blood of the Lamb - must feel the wrath of the Lamb.
Sin unrepented of, ends in a tragedy. It has the devil for its father, shame for its companion, and damnation for its wages!
A sinner's heart is the devil's mansion-house. "I will return unto my house" (Matthew 12:44).
A true Christian carries Christ in his heart, and the cross on his shoulders.
Christ and His Cross are never parted, for it is too much for the Christian to have two heavens - one here, and one hereafter.
Those who bear the cross patiently,shall wear the crown triumphantly.
Christ sweetens all our comforts, and sanctifies all our crosses.
God's power makes Him mighty, His mercy makes Him lovely - but His holiness makes Him glorious. "Glorious in holiness." Holiness is the most sparkling jewel of Jehovah's diadem!
~Thomas Watson~
Gems From John Angel James
"Train up a child in the way he should go" (Prov. 22:6).
Properly speaking, education in the true and higher sense means the implanting of right dispositions, the cultivation of the heart, the guidance of the temper, the formation of the character.
The most important part of education is that which relates to the communication of godly principles, and the formation of moral habits.
You educate your children by your example, your conversations, your likeings and dislikings, your home life, your daily behavior, these, these will educate them.
You begin educating your children the moment they are capable of forming an idea. This unconscious education is of more constant and powerful effect, and of far more consequence than that which is direct and apparent. This education goes on at every instant of time. It goes on like time - you can neither stop it nor turn its course.
Your children may read many books, but the first book they read, and that which they continue to read, and by far the most influential - is that of their parents' example and daily deportment.
~John Angell James~
In hell, they desire to die - but they cannot. The wicked shall be always dying - but never dead; the smoke of the furnace ascends forever and ever. Oh! who can endure thus to be ever upon the rack? This word "forever" breaks the heart! Wicked men do now think the Sabbaths long, and think a prayer long - but oh! how long will it be to lie in hell forever and ever?
The torments of hell abide forever. If all the earth and sea were sand, and every thousandth year a little bird should come, and take away one grain of this sand - it would be a long time before that vast heap of sand were emptied. Yet, if after all that time the damned may come out of hell, there would be some hope. But this word FOREVER breaks the heart!
True faith will trust God's heart - where it cannot trace His hand.
To render evil for evil, is brutish; to render evil for good, is devilish; to render good for evil, is Christian.
The world is a flattering enemy, it kills by embracing. Whom the world kisses, ti betrays. Is Heaven in your eye, and Christ in your heart, and the world under your feet?
Do not look upon your troubles - as to forget your mercies.
He who is proud of his knowledge - the devil cares not how much he knows!
Christ shed tears, for those who shed His blood.
God loves a broken heart - not a divided heart.
'Tis vain to speak of hopes of salvation - and yet have the marks of damnation! It will be so much the worse to go to hell, with hopes of Heaven.
An idle person is a fit subject for the devil to work upon.
Look upon a humble Saviour - and let your plumes of pride fall off.
The higher the lark flies - the sweeter the songs. Did our thoughts dwell above - we would live sweeter lives.
Heaven is a place whee sorrow cannot live, and joy cannot die.
Prayer keeps the heart open to God, and shut to sin.
Prosperity exposes to much evil. It is hard to carry a full cup without spilling - and a full estate without sinning. Many pray Agur's first prayer, "Give me not poverty." Few pray his last prayer, "Give me not riches" (Proverbs 30:8).
He who believes not in the blood of the Lamb - must feel the wrath of the Lamb.
Sin unrepented of, ends in a tragedy. It has the devil for its father, shame for its companion, and damnation for its wages!
A sinner's heart is the devil's mansion-house. "I will return unto my house" (Matthew 12:44).
A true Christian carries Christ in his heart, and the cross on his shoulders.
Christ and His Cross are never parted, for it is too much for the Christian to have two heavens - one here, and one hereafter.
Those who bear the cross patiently,shall wear the crown triumphantly.
Christ sweetens all our comforts, and sanctifies all our crosses.
God's power makes Him mighty, His mercy makes Him lovely - but His holiness makes Him glorious. "Glorious in holiness." Holiness is the most sparkling jewel of Jehovah's diadem!
~Thomas Watson~
Gems From John Angel James
"Train up a child in the way he should go" (Prov. 22:6).
Properly speaking, education in the true and higher sense means the implanting of right dispositions, the cultivation of the heart, the guidance of the temper, the formation of the character.
The most important part of education is that which relates to the communication of godly principles, and the formation of moral habits.
You educate your children by your example, your conversations, your likeings and dislikings, your home life, your daily behavior, these, these will educate them.
You begin educating your children the moment they are capable of forming an idea. This unconscious education is of more constant and powerful effect, and of far more consequence than that which is direct and apparent. This education goes on at every instant of time. It goes on like time - you can neither stop it nor turn its course.
Your children may read many books, but the first book they read, and that which they continue to read, and by far the most influential - is that of their parents' example and daily deportment.
~John Angell James~
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