Saturday, October 6, 2018

Gems From Thomas Watson and John Angell James

Gems From Thomas Watson and John Angell James

In hell, they desire to die - but they cannot. The wicked shall be always dying - but never dead; the smoke of the furnace ascends forever and ever. Oh! who can endure thus to be ever upon the rack? This word "forever" breaks the heart! Wicked men do now think the Sabbaths long, and think a prayer long - but oh! how long will it be to lie in hell forever and ever?

The torments of hell abide forever. If all the earth and sea were sand, and every thousandth year a little bird should come, and take away one grain of this sand - it would be a long time before that vast heap of sand were emptied. Yet, if after all that time the damned may come out of hell, there would be some hope. But this word FOREVER breaks the heart!

True faith will trust God's heart - where it cannot trace His hand.

To render evil for evil, is brutish; to render evil for good, is devilish; to render good for evil, is Christian.

The world is a flattering enemy, it kills by embracing. Whom the world kisses, ti betrays. Is Heaven in your eye, and Christ in your heart, and the world under your feet?

Do not look upon your troubles - as to forget your mercies.

He who is proud of his knowledge - the devil cares not how much he knows!

Christ shed tears, for those who shed His blood.

God loves a broken heart - not a divided heart.

'Tis vain to speak of hopes of salvation - and yet have the marks of damnation! It will be so much the worse to go to hell, with hopes of Heaven.

An idle person is a fit subject for the devil to work upon.

Look upon a humble Saviour - and let your plumes of pride fall off.

The higher the lark flies - the sweeter the songs. Did our thoughts dwell above - we would live sweeter lives.

Heaven is a place whee sorrow cannot live, and joy cannot die.

Prayer keeps the heart open to God, and shut to sin.

Prosperity exposes to much evil. It is hard to carry a full cup without spilling - and a full estate without sinning. Many pray Agur's first prayer, "Give me not poverty." Few pray his last prayer, "Give me not riches" (Proverbs 30:8).

He who believes not in the blood of the Lamb - must feel the wrath of the Lamb.

Sin unrepented of, ends in a tragedy. It has the devil for its father, shame for its companion, and damnation for its wages!

A sinner's heart is the devil's mansion-house. "I will return unto my house" (Matthew 12:44).

A true Christian carries Christ in his heart, and the cross on his shoulders.

Christ and His Cross are never parted, for it is too much for the Christian to have two heavens - one here, and one hereafter.

Those who bear the cross patiently,shall wear the crown triumphantly.

Christ sweetens all our comforts, and sanctifies all our crosses.

God's power makes Him mighty, His mercy makes Him lovely - but His holiness makes Him glorious. "Glorious in holiness." Holiness is the most sparkling jewel of Jehovah's diadem!

~Thomas Watson~

Gems From John Angel James

"Train up a child in the way he should go" (Prov. 22:6).

Properly speaking, education in the true and higher sense means the implanting of right dispositions, the cultivation of the heart, the guidance of the temper, the formation of the character.

The most important part of education is that which relates to the communication of godly principles, and the formation of moral habits.

You educate your children by your example, your conversations, your likeings and dislikings, your home life, your daily behavior, these, these will educate them.

You begin educating your children the moment they are capable of forming an idea. This unconscious education is of more constant and powerful effect, and of far more consequence than that which is direct and apparent. This education goes on at every instant of time. It goes on like time - you can neither stop it nor turn its course.

Your children may read many books, but the first book they read, and that which they continue to read, and by far the most influential - is that of their parents' example and daily deportment.

~John Angell James~

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