The Barren Fig Tree # 1
Luke 13:6-9
He also spoke this parable: "A certain man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard; and he came and sought fruit thereon, and found none. Then he said unto the dresser of his vineyard, 'Behold, these three years I have come seeking fruit on this fig tree and found none. Cut it down! Why does it cumber ground?"
And he answering said unto him, 'Master, let it alone this year also, until I shall dig about it and fertilize it. And if it bear fruit, well; and if not, then after that you shall cut it down.' "
This is a solemn prarble - but not a difficult one.
The owner of the vineyard means God Almighty.
The unfruitful fig tree means any person who is a Christian in name only.
The dresser of the vineyard means the Lord Jesus Christ.
The parable represents the fig tree as planted in the vineyard - not growing wild by the wayside; but set in an enclosed place like our gardens and orchards, and taken care of.
The person here meant therefore is not a heathen man - but one who has had religious teaching and has learned about God, and His ways. Our Lord spoke the parable to Jews - and doubtless it first pointed to them. Now it applies to those who bear the Name of Christ - but are not real Christians. The vineyard represents the visible Church of Christ - the general body of those who call themselves Christians. Every baptized person belongs to this body. He is like a tree planted in a vineyard.
The parable shows us that God takes notice of the Church, for we find the owner of the vineyard coming to see it year after year. And not only of the Church at large, but of every member of it; for the man came continually to look at this one tree.
Yes, we live under the constant observation of God. He takes notice of each one of us. His eye is on us continually. He marks our spiritual condition, the state of our hearts, and the course of our lives. He observes all and knows all.
What does He look for in us? Just what this man sought to find on his fig tree - fruit. Only the fruit that God looks for is spiritual fruit, the fruits of holiness, the fruits of the Spirit. Would leaves satisfy the owner of the fig tree? Would he be content with great branches and a strong growth? No! He set the tree there that it might bear fruit - and nothing but fruit would satisfy him.
Just so, God looks for more than the mere name of Christian. He looks for more than mere knowledge and profession and talk. These are but like leaves. He seeks fruit - and nothing but fruit will be accepted with God. He discerns what is real, from what is merely pretended. As easily as the man in the parable could tell fruit from leaves - so easily does God distinguish between the real and the nominal Christian. Yet the man had patience with this tree. True, it ought to have borne fruit the first year he came to look. Yet he was not hasty with it. It would stand for another year. Another year's sun would shine on it; another year's dews and rains would moisten it - perhaps it might bear fruit then. And even when he was disappointed again, he still had patience; he would wait another year; he would try the tree yet once more.
And what unprofitable nominal Christian can say that God has not had patience - long patience, with him? Has he not lived on in the enjoyment of the means of grace? Have not time and opportunities been given to him? Year after year, for many more years than two or three - he has been borne with in his unfruitfulness; and unprofitable servant, a Christian in name only, not loving or serving God, and yet allowed to remain.
But the fig tree took up valuable space! The longer it stayed there and the larger it grew - the more did it cumber the ground, occupying the room to no purpose, and hindering the growth of other trees. So when the owner came for the third time and still found no fruit, his patience was exhausted - he would have such a tree in his vineyard no longer. "Cut it down!" said he, "why does it cumber the ground?"
The unfruitful Christian is like the unfruitful tree. Far from doing any good - he even does harm. His example is evil. Even if he is not a gross outward sinner - yet such religion as his tends to bring all religion into discredit. When people see that a man may be called a Christian - that he may know so much, and talk so loud - and yet show nothing of the spirit of the gospel in his life - they are led to think that religion itself must be mere pretense; and that there is, after all, no truth, no power, no reality in it.
Thus the nominal Christian is a cumberer of the ground. He is useless, and worse than useless, in the Church of Christ.
We do not hear the voice of the Almighty commanding that such a one shall be taken away; but that is what the parable represents to us. "Cut it down!" Ah, what awful words, when applied so! "Cut it down!" Let him be taken away; let him stay no longer; let him die! We do not hear the voice - but do we not often see the cutting down, the taking away?
~Francis Bourdillon~
(continued with # 2)
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