The Murderer # 4
Be sure this progress of sin is often taking place when its outward growth may seem to have been checked. The principle of evil may be strengthening, while the manifestation of it may be less evident. The man of forty or fifty may have cast off the wild habits of his early life. He may imagine that he is a much better Christian than once he was, while, it may be, one sin has only been exchanged for another.
Love of the world may be more rooted in the heart.
Self-righteousness may take the place of self-indulgence.
Pride may be increasing.
Spirit religion, a life of close fellowship with God, which is the very essence of all true religion - may be more than ever distasteful to him.
Oh! what reason is here for immediate conversion to God! Let there be no delay. At once seek help from above, that you may turn from sin. The evil which today may be as the silken thread - may hereafter be as the strong cable, or the iron chain, which shall hold you fast forever!
4. The self-propagating of sin.
The Matador plant, from its lofty head scattering its seed, far and wide, becomes the parent, in future years, of many more such like plants. So is it with each successor, until perhaps the whole forest is laid low. It is a type of sin. Grace and sin both spread wherever they are found. A little leaven leavens the whole lump. The Christian cannot be satisfied with going alone to the better land. By words in season, by prayer, and by a holy life, he wins others for Christ. Sin also propagates itself. Solomon reminds us that "one sinner destroys much good." Isaiah speaks of the sinners of his day as "children that are corrupters!" Often the complexion of a whole family is taken from the head of it. The sins of parents, are repeated generation after generation in the lines of their descendants.
The sin of Abraham, in deceitfully hiding his relationship to Sarah - was reflected in the life of Isaac some forty years afterwards.
Jacob deceives his aged father, and is punished in his old age by his children in like manner deceiving him!
Again and again it is said of the kings of Israel, that they followed in the steps of Jeroboam, "who made Israel to sin." The prophet Micah speaks, "You keep only the laws of evil king Omri; you follow only the example of wicked king Ahab! Therefore, I will make an example of you, bringing you to complete ruin!" (Micah 6:16). More than one hundred and fifty years had passed since both these wicked kings had been in their graves. Eleven kings had since that time reigned over Israel - yet still the works of the one, and the laws of the other were remembered and observed.
O lost sinner, reflect but for a moment on the effects of your sin on others! You may have gone to your account, and in the lives and deaths of your children may be witnessed the sad results of your iniquity. Those who have lived near you - your neighbors and your associates - may have learned evil from you, and your sin may prove their ruin!
Centuries may have passed, and your sin may yet be doing its deadly work, bringing forth in many souls the bitter fruits of sorrow here, and eternal woe hereafter: "Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to sin! Such things must come, but woe to the man through whom they come" (Matt. 18:7).
~George Everard~
(continued with # 5)
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