Set Up Waymarks # 2
Let your waymarks be numerous, set them up at short distances; let them be visible, that others may see and be benfitted by them; let them be intelligible, that all may understand them; and let them be often reviewed, that you may derive much benefit from them.
The Reasons. "Set up waymarks" - or the road is bewildering. It is bewildering to you, and will be to others who come after. The season of captivity had been long, and the most aged were liable to forget. Temptations will be brought to bear upon all, and the strongest may need helps. The way must be reviewed, and by the help of the waymarks we may do it with comparative ease. Besides which, they will bear witness to God's faithfulness, be a lasting record of our deliverances, show the fallacy of our fears, prove the falsehood of foes, especially satan, assist others by marking out the road for them, and warning where there is danger to them.
Thus we shall not only serve our generation - but be of use to them that come after us... cheering many a drooping heart, comforting many a sorrowful spirit, and encouraging many a lagging discouraged pilgrim.
O that some who went before us, had set up a few more waymarks at some turnings in the road. What a benefit, what blessing, it might have been to us!
Blessed be God, that we have come safely thus far, and now for the benefit of those around us, those who may come after us - let us "set up waymarks."
Lost sinner, set up a waymark and note thereon how far you are from Heaven - and how near you are to hell. You have been wandering farther and farther from Heaven every year of your life, and you have been traveling toward hell as fast as you well could. You never were so far from Heaven as at this moment - nor were you ever so near to hell. In what solemn position then are you placed. Do make some memorandum then this day, and try to estimate your distance from the city of God - and your nearness to the regions of despair.
Backslider, set up a waymark, and indicate thereby how far you have wandered from God and godliness. Write thereon so far from God - and so far have I to return with weeping and with supplication. For every step you have taken from God - must be retraced, and retraced with a broken heart, if not with a weeping eye. many a heavy sigh, many a deep groan - will be uttered before you regain your former confidence and comfort. Many a soul-piercing pang will be felt before you regain your former peace.
Christian, set up a waymark, and inscribe thereon: so far from Babylon - so much nearer to your eternal home! Cheer up Christian, every day you are so much nearer to your eternal home! Never was the end of the journey so near as now; never were there so many troubles behind you, and so few before you as now. It is all up hill until we reach the celestial city, you will therefore find it more or less difficult unto the end. But, when you arrive at home, when you enter into the holy city, when you see Jesus, when you enjoy the presence of God - all will be well, and well forever!
Five minutes with Jesus - and what shall we think of all our earthly temptations, toils, trials, and troubles then? One hour in Heaven, with the certainty of being forever holy, and forever happy - what will all our earthly afflictions be then?
Then, then, shall we understand the apostle when he says, "I consider that the sufferings of this present life are not worth being compared with the glory that is about to be conferred on us!" (Romans 8:18).
Blessed be God, that through His grace we ever left Babylon!
Blessed be God, that we are so far on our way to Zion!
Blessed be God, that every waymark adds to our assurance of arriving in safety at our heavenly home!
~James Smith~
(The End)
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