Saturday, February 9, 2019

The Resurrection of Jesus # 3

The Resurrection of Jesus # 3

Our Lord's resurrection affords incontrovertible evidence of the truth of Christianity.

Pilate wrote the title of Christ in three languages on the Cross; and many have written excellent and unanswerable things, on the truth of the Christian Scriptures, and the reality of the Christian religion; but the best argument that has ever been written on the subject, was written by the invisible hand of the Eternal Power, in the rocks of our Saviour's sepulchre. This confounds the skeptic, settles the controversy, and affords an ample and sure foundation for all them that believe.

If any one asks whether Christianity is from heaven or of men, we point him to the "tomb hewn out of the rock," and say "There is your answer! Jesus was crucified, and laid in that cave; but on the morning of the third day, it was found empty; our Master had risen and gone forth from the grave victorious."

This is the pillar that supports the whole fabric of our relation; and he who attempts to pull it down, like Samson, pulls down upon himself. "If Christ is not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain, ye are yet in your sins;" but if the fact is clearly proved, then Christianity is unquestionably true, and its disciples are safe.

This is the ground on which the apostle stood, and asserted the divinity of his faith: "Moreover I testify unto you the gospel, which I preached unto you; which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; by which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain; for I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures,and that he was buried, and that He rose again the third day, according to the Scriptures."

The resurrection of Jesus is the most stupendous manifestation of the power of God, and the pledge of eternal life to his people.

The apostle calls it "the exceeding greatness of His power to usward who believe, according to the working of His mighty power, which He wrought in Christ when He raised Him from the dead." This is a river overflowing its banks - an idea too large for language. Let us look at it a moment.

Where do we find "the exceeding greatness of His power?" In the creation of the world? in the Seven Stars and Orion? in the strength of Behemoth and Leviathan? No! In the deluge? in the fiery destruction of Sodom? in the overthrow of Pharaoh and his host? in hurling Nebuchadnezzar like Lucifer from the political firmament? No! It is the power which He wrought in Christ. When? When He healed the sick? when He raised the dead? when he cast out devils? when he blasted the fruitless fig tree? when He walked upon the waters of the Galilee? No! It was "when he raised Him from the dead." Then the Father placed the sceptre in the hand of the Son, "and set him above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come; and put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church."

This is the source of our spiritual life. The same power that raised the dead body of our Lord from the grave, quickens the soul of the believer from the death in trespasses and sins. His tomb is a fountain of living waters; whereof if a man drink, he shall never die. His raised and glorified body is the sun, whence streams eternal light upon our spirits; the light of life, that never can be quenched. 

Nor here does the influence of His resurrection end. He who raised up Jesus from the dead shall also quicken our mortal bodies. His resurrection is the pledge and the pattern of ours. "Because He liveth
 we shall also." "He shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto His glorious body." We hear Him speaking in the prophet: "Thy dead men shall live; together with my dead body shall they arise. Awake and sing, ye that dwell in the dust; for thy dew is as the dew of herbs, and the earth shall cast out her dead."

How divinely does the apostle speak of the resurrection body of the saints! Ever since the fall of Eden, man is born to die. He lives to die. But Christ hath abolished death, and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel. The Hero of our salvation traveled into death's dominion, took possession of the whole territory on our behalf, and ascended to the heaven of heavens. 

I recollect reading in the writings of Flavel this sentiment "that the souls in paradise wait with intense desire for the reanimation of their dead bodies, that they may be united to them in bliss forever.

In conclusion: Brethren, followers of Jesus! be ye also preachers of a risen Saviour! Go quickly and publish the glad tidings to sinners! And you, impenitent and unbelieving men hear this blessed message of salvation. Make haste! Procrastination is ruin. Now is the accepted time. O, fly to the throne of grace! I is my delight to invite you to Christ; but I feel more pleasure and more confidence in praying for you to God. I have besought and entreated you, but you are yet in your sins, and rushing toward hell. Yet I will not give you up in despair. If I cannot persuade you to flee from the wrath to come, I will intercede with God to have mercy upon you for the sake of His beloved Son. If I cannot prevail in the pulpit, I will try to prevail at the throne!

~Christmas Evans~

(The End)

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