Saturday, May 11, 2019

Paths of Disappointment # 6 (and others)

Paths of Disappointment # 6 (and others)

Many times Solomon doubtless proved all this, for he was a married man. And yet, because he left God out and, reckoned not with his laws in relation to women, he found the path of women a path of great disappointments.

"Having tried all the avenues of legitimate love; he tried the other way. And so great was the disappointment and bitterness, he was constrained to cry, "Vanity of vanities!" Having tried all the delights of legitimate love, he then indulged himself in all the fancied pleasure of animal appetite - the pursuance of purely fleshly pleasure. Here, too, for his joy he reaped ashes. Here, too, he found his honey turned to the bitterness of gall. Here, too, in these wide avenues of all illegitimate dealings with women, his delight faded into distaste and disgust! Here, too, desire became despair. And again was wrung with the cry that has saddened the centuries - Vanity of vanities!"

Which brings us to speak of:


"The world by wisdom knew not God" (1 Cor. 1:21). Poor rich Solomon. Poor fool? Wise-man Solomon, poor wine-tasting Solomon. Type of all our wisdom in the slough of despondency. Type of all our indulgences in dark, abysmal despair. Type of all man's wrong indulgence with women - surfeited with disgust.

For man's effort to find peace and happiness by the paths of wisdom and wine and wealth and works and women is written in the lives of men. The courseness, the sensuousness, the un-spirituality seen about us is tragic.

But God is ever the God of the second chance. It is ever the providence of His mercy, if we will turn from our wicked ways, to reverse the curse of sin.

Then do this. Through Jesus who died for you - do this. With faith in the Christ who bore our sins in His own body on the tree, and died the just for the unjust that he might bring us to God - embrace the Cross now.

Then the cry of your despair will be turned into joy. Then the consciousness of your lost estate will be changed into the sweet and blessed realization of eternal salvation.

There shall be no disappointment with you concerning Him. There will be no disappointment with Him concerning you.

~Robert G. Lee~

(The End)

A Poor, Weak, and Trembling Creature

"He will feed His flock like a shepherd. He will carry the lambs in His arms, holding them close to His heart" (Isaiah 40:11).

Dwell upon the love and tenderness of our Lord Jesus!

Notice who are the objects of His care - "the lambs," which means not only those of tender age - but also those who have been newly converted; those who are young in Christian experience; and also those whose temperament is naturally timid, whose strength is feeble, and whose danger is great.

Yes, you are the objects of Christ's special attention, care, and solicitude! You are those whom He takes up in the arms of His power - and lays on the bosom of His love! He knows your weakness, your timidity, your dangers! 

He will exert for you His tenderest sympathy, His greatest vigilance, His mightiest power.

This expression however not only conveys the idea of great care of the weak - but the exercise of that care with a view to their preservation and growth. It means not only that He cordially receives them, will provide for their safety, be concerned for their comfort, and will accommodate His conduct to their needs - but He will also nourish them through their infant existence, and will raise them up to maturity and strength.

Let every lamb of the flock of Christ, therefore, go to Him by faith and prayer, and say, "Blessed Jesus, I come to you as a poor, weak, and trembling creature, doubtful of my own continuance, and alarmed at my numerous difficulties and enemies. I am but a lamb, and often fear I shall never be anything better. But was it not in regard to such weakness that You have been pleased to utter these gracious and tender words? I flee to you as the helpless lamb to its shepherd - when hungry, to feed it - or when pursued by wild beasts, that He may defend it. Lord, take me in the arms of Your power and lay me on the bosom of Your love - though I am so poor and helpless a creature. I will hope in Your nurturing power and love, that I shall continue to grow, and that You will one day rejoice in me, as one of the flock which You have purchased with Your own blood!"

~John Angell James~

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