Saturday, September 5, 2020

Oil In The Vessel # 2

 Oil In The Vessel # 2

This parable of the "virgins" is indeed a searching and solemn one. It has deeply exercised many a sincere soul. It has caused not a few genuine saints to wonder it, after all, the root of the matter were in them. It has given real point to that exhortation "Examine yourselves whether you are in the faith; prove your own selves" (2 Corinthians 13:5). On the other hand, vast numbers of professing Christians are quite unmoved by its pointed message, complacently assuming that they are numbered among the "wise" virgins, and taking no trouble to seek proof that the oil is in their vessels. Strangest of all, perhaps, some of the Lord's own people scarcely know how to set about the task of ascertaining their state, and are so suspicious of themselves, that they readily conclude that their vessels are devoid of the vital oil.

The key passage for the significance of this Scriptural figure is, "Your God has anointed you with the oil of gladness above your fellows" (Psalm 45:7), where the reference is to the Mediator, for God "gives not the Spirit by measure unto Him" (John 3:34); in consequence thereof, He is "fairer than the children of men - grace is poured into Your lips" (Psalm 45:2). The holy "oil" was first poured upon the antitypical Aaron, and then it runs down to all the "skirts of His garments" (Psalm 133:2), that is, to the lowest and feeblest Christians. Just as the little finger or toe is animated by the same life and vitality as actuates the head and heart of a person - so very Christian is vitalized by the same Spirit as was given to Christ, the Head. As the Spirit sanctified the human nature of Christ by fitting and enriching it will all grace, so His grace is communicated to all His members.

The "oil" then, in the vessels of the wise virgins - refers to the life of the Spirit in the soul of a Christian. It is the presence of Divine grace in the heart - in contrast from knowledge in the head, or correctness of outward deportment; which distinguishes the actual possessor from the empty professor. How important then is it that we spare no efforts to ascertain whether or not that Divine grace resides in us! Yet at this very point Christians encounter a real difficulty - as they honestly and diligently look within, they perceive such a sea of corruption, ever casting up mire and dirt, they are greatly distressed, and ready to conclude that Divine grace surely cannot be present in such evil hearts as theirs. But this is a serious mistake; as genuine oil is distinguishable from counterfeits by its properties, so grace in the soul may be known by its characteristics and effects.

But the exercised soul should begin his search for indwelling grace with it definitely settled in his mind, that, in every heart where grace resides there is also an ocean of sin; and just as oil and water will not mix - but continue to preserve their distinct properties even when placed together in the same vessel, so the flesh and spirit will not combine in the Christian - but remain in opposition to each other unto the end. Admitting, then, a sea of depravity within, my object is to find out if there is any "oil" at all which the surgings of sin are unable to destroy.l When I see smoke, I must infer fire (however flickering), and if I can discern in my heart any Spiritual grace (however feeble) I must infer the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

Be not unduly discouraged, then, dear Christian friend, because you discover so much filthy water in your "vessels" (the writer does the same) - but rather confine your attention unto searching for the "oil" within you, and remember that the presence of the same is to be determined by its properties and effects. Let us name a few of these:

First, oil illumines, therefore are the blinded Laodiceans bidden to go to Christ for eye-slave (anointing oil) that they may see (Revelation 3:18). Now where Divine grace has been bestowed, that soul is enlightened. True, says a serious reader - but the point which exercises me so much is - "Is my enlightenment a spiritual and supernatural one, or merely a natural and intellectual one, acquired by the mind being instructed through sitting under sound teaching?" Those mentioned in Hebrews 6:4 were "once enlightened," yet no saving work of grace had been wrought in them!

~A. W. Pink~

(continued with # 3)

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