Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Puritan Nuggets of Gold # 78


Riches may leave us while we live, we must leave them when we die. (Thomas Fuller)

Riches are long in getting with much pains, hard in keeping with much care, quick in losing with more sorrow. (Thomas Fuller)

Where there is no want, there is usually much wantonness. (John Flavel)

Christ telleth us, "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of heaven. "Our Saviour, indeed, doth not speak of an impossibility, but of the difficulty of it and the rareness of it. Job unfolded the riddle, and got through the needle's eye with three thousand camels. But it is hard to be wealthy, and not wanton. (George Swinnock)

Solomon got more hurt by his wealth, than he got good by his wisdom. (Thomas Brooks)

All our pieces of gold are but current to the grave; none of them will pass in the future world. Therefore as merchants when they travel make over their monies here, to receive them by bills of exchange in another country; let us do good with our goods while we live, that when we die, by a blessed bill of exchange, we may receive them again in the Kingdom of heaven (Luke 16:9). To part with what we cannot keep, that we may get that we cannot lose, is a good bargain. Wealth can do us no good, unless it help us toward heaven. (Thomas Adams)

It is hard to carry a full cup without spilling, and a full estate without sinning. (Thomas Watson)

Let us make the poor our friends by our alms, not our enemies by our scorn. We had better have the ears of God full of their prayers, then heaps of money in our own coffers with their curses. (Thomas Adams)

Poverty hath slain a thousand, but riches have slain ten thousand. They are very uncertain, they promise that which they cannot perform, neither can they afford a contented mind. (Richard Greenham)


Rumor is a loud liar, like a snowball that gathereth as it goeth. (John Trapp)

The thief doth send one only to the devil; the adulterer two; but the slanderer hurteth three; himself, the party to whom, and the party of whom he telleth his tale. (John Boys)

Fame creates something of nothing. (Thomas Fuller)

The first tale is good till the second be heard. (John Trapp)

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