Monday, April 27, 2015

Puritan Nuggets of Gold # 96

Wicked (continued)

Many sinners who seem so jocund in our eyes, have not such merry lives as you think for. A book may be fairly bound and gilded, yet have but sad stories writ within it. Sinners will not tell us all the secret rebukes that conscience from the Word gives them. If you will judge of Herod by the jollity of his feast, you may think he wanted no joy; but at another time we see that John's Spirit walked in his conscience; and so doth the Word haunt many a one, who to us appear to lay nothing to heart; in the midst of their laughter their heart is sad; you see the lightning in their face, but hear not the thunder the rumbles in their conscience. (William Gurnall)

In all their jollity in this world, they are but as a book fairly bound, which when it is opened is full of nothing but tragedies. So when the book of their conscience shall be opened, there is nothing to be read but lamentations and woes. (Richard Sibbes)

An unbeliever shall have a double condemnation; one from the law which he hath transgressed, and another from the gospel, which he hath despised: as a malefactor, that being condemned and dead in law, rejecteth his prince's pardon. But it is otherwise with these that are in Christ Jesus. The law cannot condemn them, because they have appealed; the gospel cannot because they have believed. (John Trapp)

It is no miracle if he that lives like a beast dies like a beast. (Francis Cheynell)

The Will

In the state of innocence the will was the weakest, but in regeneration God has made it the firmest and best. God has provided that the hedge should be stronger where it was broken. ( John Cotton)

As to the will of God, it falls under a twofold consideration of His secret and revealed will. The distinction if found in that Scripture: "The secret things belong unto the Lord our God: but these things which are revealed belong unto us" (Deuteronomy 29:29). The first is the rule of His own actions: the latter of ours. (John Flavel)

This revealed will of God is either manifested to us in His Word, or in His works. The former is His commanding will, the latter His "affecting" or "permitting" will. (John Flavel)

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