Honoring God # 2
His Word. God has "magnified His word above all His name" (Psalm 138:2), that is above every other medium through which His perfections are revealed. His wisdom and power are displayed in creation and providence - but His will and the way of salvation are made known in His Word. Our reverence for the Word indicates the measure in which we truly honor God. Our reverence for God's Word is manifested by receiving it without question or qualification as the inspired and infallible communication from God; yielding unreservedly thereto, subordinating reason and all natural inclinations to its divine authority; taking it as our sold standard in all matters of faith and practice, so that the determining question is not how others believe and act - but by what the Scriptures say; meditating upon it day and night, making it the food of our souls; our characters being formed and conduct regulated by its teachings - obeying its statues, heeding its warnings, drawing strength and comfort from its promises.
His Gospel. It is in the proclamation of the same, as a revelation of divine grace through Christ unto sinners, that the churches most honor God. The Law must indeed be preached, yet in subserviency to the Gospel. The sinner requires to hear what the Law charges him with, that he may learn his need of fleeing to Christ for discharge from its curse and condemnation. While "by the law is the knowledge of sin" (Rom. 3:20), nevertheless, it is not by the preaching of the Law that sinners are delivered from its penalty. No, it is the Gospel of Christ which is "the power of God unto salvation to every one that believes" (Rom. 1:16). Now the triune God is honored by the churches when the Gospel is preached in its unadulterated purity and its unfettered freeness; as it is slighted and insulted by the pulpit when displaced by any other substitute.
His Spirit. We must confine ourselves now to a single aspect. He is honored by the evangelist and by the church when He is looked unto and counted upon for His blessing on the preaching of the Gospel. It needs to be clearly recognized that neither the faithfulness nor the earnestness - still less the logic or the rhetoric - of the preacher will or can quicken a single soul. "Not by (human) might, nor by power - but by my Spirit, says the Lord Almighty" (Zech. 4:6). Alas that the churches, in their desire to "appeal to the young people," now have more faith in worldly methods and musical attractions; and in consequence, the Spirit is quenched. To our knees, in supplication to Him, is the great need and call of the hour!
His Cause. "Honor the Lord with your substance, and with the first fruits of all your increase" (Prov. 3:9). Remember that He it is who "gives you power to get wealth" (Deut. 8:18). And do you think that He does so - in order that we may gratify selfish lusts and indulge extravagant tastes? No, God's bounty unto us is to be used in works of piety and charity - and not wasted upon luxuries and vanities! Christ still sits near the offering box, beholding how we drop in our money! (Mark 12:41).
Our "substance" must not be limited unto money - but understood as including all the talents which God has given us; given, for the express purpose of honoring Him, and not for magnifying ourselves. All that we are and have - is to be dedicated to His glory.
"Those who honor me - I will honor" (1 Sam. 2:30). All history attests it. Those nations which have honored God, and circulated His Word, have been most blessed by Him. Those churches which have preached His Gospel and depended on His Spirit have been the fruitful and flourishing ones. Those individuals who have honored His Son and been regulated by the Scriptures have enjoyed most peace and joy in their souls.
~A. W. Pink~
(The End)
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