Much More # 2
The one was but preparatory and introductory to the other - a temporary arrangement which was to give place unto that which is permanent. All the splendor of the Mosaic ritual has long sine passed away - but the glory of the Gospel abides and its blessed effects will last forever. Though the giving of the law and the dispensation connected therewith was glorious, for the whole thereof bore the unmistakable stamp of divinity - yet since it left every transgressor under the curse, it was, therefore, a ministry of condemnation and death.
But the ministry of the new covenant is much more glorious, for it reveals how sinners may be constituted righteous before God through faith in Christ, secures and communicates the sanctifying Spirit to those who believe, and assures of eternal life. There the law was written on tables of stone - but now upon renewed hearts. Judaism was for one nation - the Gospel for all. Under the former, the perfections of God were viewed through figures and emblems - under the latter, they shine forth openly in the face of Jesus Christ.
"The blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of a heifer sprinkled on those who are ceremonially unclean sanctify them so that they are outwardly clean. How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God! (Heb. 9:13-14). The thrice holy Jehovah dwelt in Israel's midst, and enforced the claims of His purity by requiring those who approached as worshipers, to do so in a fit condition, lest His displeasure be visited upon their pollutions. Accordingly, provision was made for the symbolic satisfying of His justice and the removal of their carnal defilement. Thereby was a disqualification removed from those who were about to enter the sacred courts.
Now, if the blood and ashes of beasts, under the ordinance of God, availed unto an external and temporary justification and sanctification of the flesh - that is, the typical putting away of both the guilt and defilement of sin -then how much more must the precious blood of Christ, appointed and accepted by God, effectually and eternally cleanse the souls of those to whom it is divinely applied and give title of access into Heaven itself. The blood of animals possessed no intrinsic value and owed its efficacy solely to God's appointment. But that of Christ was invested with the infinite excellence of His divine person and is "precious" in itself (1 Peter 1:19).
"See that you refuse not him that speaks. For if they escaped not who refused him that spoke on earth - how much more shall not we escape, if we turn away from him that speaks from Heaven? (Heb. 12:25). This presents another of the many contrasts drawn between Judaism and Christianity. The speaker is, in each of these instances, the same. The difference was in the mouthpieces which He employed - the former were men, the "prophets," the latter was in and by His Son (Heb. 1:1-2). That indicated the relative importance of the two economies - the one was religion for the earth and a temporary arrangement - the other was a revelation of a heavenly calling and inheritance, and concerned eternal relations and realities. And it was by "the Lord from Heaven" that its grand secrets were disclosed.
Now, the greater the privileges enjoyed, the more is required from us (Luke 12:48). The clearer the light given, the fuller the response demanded. Therefore, failure to meet increased obligations incurs deeper guilt and involves heavier punishment (Heb. 2:2-3; 10:28-29). Condemnation and penalty will be proportioned to the condescension despised and the favor rejected. The recompense of the one was temporary. The doom of the other will be eternal.
~A. W. Pink~
(The End)
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