Saturday, November 30, 2019

Set Up Waymarks # 1

Set Up Waymarks # 1

Life, in God's word, is frequently compared to a journey, and the experience of the believer to that of a traveler. Israel's journey from Egypt to Canaan, and the journey of the Jews from Babylon to Mount Zion;, alike set forth our journey from earth to Heaven. In the prospect of the return from captivity, Jeremiah gave the people many important instructions, and valuable directions. Among others he said, "Set up waymarks." (Jere. 31:21).

There were no good public roads, no guide-posts, and therefore those who went first, taking guides with them, were to mark out the roads for the benefit of others. Something like this we should also do. Here is,

AN IMITATION. A journey from Babylon the land of captivity, the enemy's country, to them an iron furnace. Such is the world to us. A measure of freedom we enjoy - but while in this vile body, with the law in the members; while in this world, with so many evils around you - we shall never know what perfect freedom is.

It is an enemy's country.

satan is its god.

Sin is its element.

Enmity to God is its characteristic.

Opposition to God is shown by it.

It is an iron furnace.

Here we are being tried.

Here we are being purified. Like metal in the smelting furnace, where it is separated from the dross, and made fit for use; so are we in this world, and therefore we must expect fiery trials, fierce temptations, and many troubles.

It is a journey to mount Zion, the city of God, the home of the saints, and the land of liberty and plenty. Such will Heaven be to us. It is a city which God has built, in which the glory of His wisdom, the vastness of His wealth, and the wonders of His grace - are fully displayed.

To this city, the eye of the Patriarch was directed; for this the prophets longed, and to this the glorious army of martyrs was conveyed. Its walls are jasper, its foundation all manner of precious stones, its gates pearl, and the presence of God and the Lamb are the light of it.

Well may it be called the home of the saints. There all the family will be gathered. There all our desires will be satisfied. There all our prayers will be answered.

It is our Father's house, and our holy, happy home. It is a land of plenty, we shall know no lack, nor will our desires remain ungratified.

It is the land of liberty, there will be no toil there, no crosses or burdens to carry there, no foes within nor without to face there, no yoke to wear, no conflicts to endure there.

O glorious city of our God! Was Mount Zion said to be beautiful for situation? Was it called the joy of the whole earth? What will the heavenly Jerusalem be? O that these eyes may see it, and see it soon! O that this heart may enjoy it, and enjoy it forever!

The DIRECTION. "Set up waymarks." Collect materials and use them, mark out the road for the good of others. Make observations as you pass along the road, as to its nature, requirements, and peculiarities.

Use memorandums, note down from time to time, your answers to prayer, deliverances from danger, and contests with foes.

Fix particular times to review the past, register the state of things at present, and draw profitable conclusions from the Lord's dealings with you. Set up your Ebenezers, your stones of help, where the Lord has appeared for you, made your way plain before you, and manifested His loving-kindness to you.

~James Smith~

(continued with # 2)

Divine Care! # 2

Divine Care! # 2

What does He do? He cares for you. He thinks of you. He watches over you. He sympathizes with you. He feels the deepest interest in you. He ever seeks your welfare. He infallibly secures your good. Your misery touches His heart; your needs lie open to His view; and your cries enter into His ears. He cares for you - more than for the proudest monarch on his throne, or the mightiest production of his power.

He cares for you, and His care is constant - it is not fitful or occasional, but ever the same.

He cares for you, and His care is paternal; it is the care of a father for his child, the child whom he tenderly loves, and for whose welfare he feels the deepest concern.

He cares for you, and His care is perpetual; He will never care for you less than He does at present; when old age weakens you, when needs pinch you, when death appears just before you - he will care for you as much as He did in youth, or as He does at this moment.

He cares for you, and His care is beneficial; it prevents innumerable evils, and secures the greatest possible amount of good. It is more advantageous than the care of the kindest father, though that father were monarch of the mightiest empire, and possessed unbounded wealth! The care of God is of more value than the care of all His creatures combined.

He cares for you, but His care is mysteriously exercised; it benefits us certainly - but secretly. It conceals itself behind the blessings it brings, and the evils it prevents.

He cares for you, and His care is special; it is not the care which He has for the beasts which perish, or the sinners who die under His frown. It is care that extends to the very hairs of your heads - which are all numbered; and to all the events and occurrences of life - however minute or commonplace.

Beloved, here is our comfort. We may lose the care of an earthly parent by death - but the Lord ever lives, and while He lives He cares for us! We may lose the care of a kind and earthly friend, through the malice of a foe or misrepresentations - but the Lord ever loves us, thoroughly knows us, and never ceases to care for us.

Here is the ground for our confidence for the future. We cannot put trust in a friend, or put confidence in a guide; we know not where we shall be, nor what we shall be, for we know not what a day may bring forth. But this we know, that God will care for us, and, caring for us, will fulfill His promises to us, and make all His goodness pass before us.

If God cares for us - then let us cast all our cares upon Him; let us live in daily fellowship with Him; let us seek all our supplies from Him. If God cares for us - let us not dishonor Him by nursing our doubts, or encouraging our fears - but let us trust in Him at all times, for His Word is true, His love is constant, and His knowledge is perfect. Let us "be anxious for nothing - but in everything, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let our requests be made known unto God; and the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus" (Phil. 4:6, 7).

Let us attend to our Saviour's loving admonition, "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.
Each day has enough trouble of its own" (Matt. 6:34).

We shall never be without a friend - however trying our circumstances may be; or without a guide - however perplexing or difficult our path. The care of God is more than the care of all the angelic multitudes; and if the care of God is not sufficient to preserve, supply, and satisfy us - then nothing is.

May the Lord help us to believe this precious truth, to realize it daily, that we may pass through the present world under the impression, "I am the object of God's tender, perfect, and ceaseless care!"

~James Smith~

(The End)

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Last Pang, and Groan, and Tear! (and others)

The Last Pang, and Groan and Tear (and others)

The Christian also looks to the end of afflictions! The end may sometimes come in this world. In reference to this, the utmost that the believer can be sure of is - that they will end in God's time. They may last for his whole life. The sickness which afflicts his body may be unto death! the loss which he has sustained in his property may be irreparable, and poverty may go down with him to the grave! The trial which beclouds and distresses his spirits may be his lot for life! But on the other hand, they may not! God may be bringing him "through fire and through water to bring him out into a wealthy place." But the Christian leaves this in the hand of God, and endeavors to maintain a hope which shall save him from despondency - checked at the same time by a reverence that guards him from unwarranted presumption.

But if the end of the trial should not come in this world - it will come in the next world - when they will not only forever cease, but leave an eternal blessing behind! "I reckon that the sufferings of the present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us!" Our light affliction, which is but for a moment, works for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory!" Four things are set forth in these passages.

1. Our afflictions will have a termination! This is sweet. They are to end - they are not to last forever! The last pang, and groan, and tear are at hand - and how near the Christian never knows!

2. Our afflictions are not to end like those of the brute creation - in the grave merely - but in heaven! The last pang, and groan, and tear are to usher in that blessed state of which it is so beautifully said, "The Lamb who is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters - and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes!" Heaven shall terminate the afflictions of the righteous!

3. Heaven is so glorious, that the first view of its scenes, and the first moment of its enjoyment, shall make amends for the longest life of the most protracted and intense sufferings!

4. The sufferings of our earthly pilgrimage will enhance and increase the felicities of heaven! Their submissive endurance; the graces which they call into exercise; the sanctification which they promote; the heavenly temper which they cultivate, will be the means of ripening the spirit, and making it fit for its eternal inheritance!

Every tear that is shed;
every groan that is heaved; 
every loss that is sustained;
every moment of suffering that is endured;
every disappointment that is experienced, which is borne  with patience, with resignation,. with unwearied holiness - will not only be followed with millions of ages of ineffable felicity - but will prepare the soul for its enjoyment, and add something to its weight and its luster!

~John Angell James~


Glance at the good which afflictions are calculated to effect, and do effect in all cases where they are sanctified. As the bee sucks honey from many a bitter herb - so faith extracts good from bitter sorrows!

How sorrows crucify him to the world - and the world to him; sometimes gently drawing him away from the world - at others forcing him out as a violent wrench!

How trials mortify his pride and cure his vanity!

How afflictions restore him from his backslidings and bring him again to God from whom he has departed. How they revive his lukewarm religion and quicken him in prayer. How they make him feel that religion is after all his great concern.

Yes, there is more learned sometimes in one great affliction, than from a thousand sermons, or a library of books!

~John Angell James~

Divine Care! # 1

Divine Care! # 1

"Casting all your care upon Him - for He cares for you" (1 Peter 5:7).

The Christians life is very much made up of cares - and comforts. 

Cares spring from earth - comfort comes from Heaven; cares prove him to be a sinner - holy comforts prove him a believer; cares flow in from a variety of quarters - true comfort from only one; cares come naturally - but comforts come supernaturally.

We are sure to have cares - but shall we have comfort? This depends on God's grace - which gives it; and our faith - which receives it.

Cares must be cast on our God, or they will prove a burden too heavy for us - they will depress, bewilder, and make us wretched! But here is our comfort - we have always One to care for us; and the very one who of all others - we would wish to do so: "The Lord cares for you!"

God cares for WHOM? For you believer, who is born again, not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible, by the word of God which lives and abides forever. For you believer, who is a stranger and pilgrim on the earth, as all your fathers were. For you believer, who is persecuted by the world, and hated by all men - for your Saviour's sake. For you believer, to whom Christ is precious, as He is to every one who really believes in Him. For you believer, who is worried and harassed by satan - who as a roaring lion goes about seeking whom he may devour. For you believer, who is placed in humble circumstances, being numbered with the poor of this world. For you believer, who is compassed about with so many cares, and who enjoys so few comforts; who is surprised at the fiery trials which try you, as though some strange thing had happened unto you. God's care extends to every Christian; the young and the aged, the weak and the strong, the poor and the wealthy, the doubting and the confident. Believer, He cares for you!

WHO is it, that cares for us? It is the Lord Almighty - the high and lofty One who inhabits eternity, whose name is holy! It is He whom the angels obey, the seraphim adore, and all creation glorifies!

It is the Lord - who is so great, that we have no adequate conception of His greatness!

It is He who is so good - that it is impossible fully to set forth His goodness!

It is He who is so glorious - that no sinner can see His face and live!

It is He who created all things with His Word!

It is He who governs all things by His wisdom!

It is He who upholds all things by His power!

It is He whose resources are infinite!

It is He whose compassion is exquisite!

It is He whose patience is without limit!

But though He is so exalted, so happy, and so unspeakably great - He cares for you! He is the One who enters into all the circumstances of His people, is ever present with them, and rejoices over them to do them good.

He cares for you - as base as you are.

He cares for you - as sinful as you are.

He cares for you - as depressed and discouraged as you are.

He cares for YOU! He cares for you individually, and according to the circumstances in which you are placed.

~James Smith~

(continued with # 2)

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Almost Gone # 2

Almost Gone # 2

We can remember too our danger when our corruptions have been powerfully stirred up. satan is allowed to do this sometimes - and then every evil that lies hidden in the heart begins to show itself! Corruptions we would be ashamed to mention, and afraid to name - are found working furiously within us! O what awful thoughts of God then! O what fearful cogitations then! Flood seems to follow flood, billow follows billow; until it is almost impossible to believe that there can be any true grace in our hearts!

The cable strains, the anchor drags, the masts crack, and the sails flap fearfully - we are tossed with tempests and not comforted. We seem justly ready to make shipwreck of faith, and of a good conscience. Our feet are almost gone! Our steps are well near slipped! Our resistance is nearly overcome. Like one walking on ice - every moment we expect to fall prostrate. Like one going down a steep plane, it appears almost impossible to stop. At times, all seems to be over, and disgrace now, with destruction, seem certain.

O the scenes of danger we have passed through! O the hair-breath escapes we have had! There seemed to be but a step, and scarcely that, between us and the awful precipice, the shameful fall! Many, many times, we have been almost gone - and yet have never fallen yet. What mercy, what rich, free, and undeserved mercy this! But Asaph had not only been in great danger, he had also experienced,

A Merciful Deliverance. A Father's eye was over him! The Lord was observing him. Just so with us. Our God has ever had His eye on us - and His arm around us! "The eyes of the Lord, run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on the behalf of all those whose hearts are perfect towards Him." O the mercy, to have God's eye watching us; and His ear open to listen to us! With David, we can say, "When I cried: My foot slips!" Your mercy, O God, held me up."

The Lord bounds the temptations of His people. So far - but no farther, may satan go. He may tempt us - but he shall not triumph over us; or if he does for a time, the triumphing of this wicked one shall be short.

Our heavenly Father bounds the time, the force, and the number of our temptations. We may think them peculiarly strong, and seem to be encircled by them, and conclude that they must crush us. But no, thus says the Word, "No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to humanity. God is faithful, and He will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation He will also provide a way of escape so that you are able to bear it!"

This has hitherto been the case with us, we were almost gone - but not quite. Our steps had well near slipped - but we were preserved from falling. 

The Lord our God will continue to work for us - as He has in the past. He works IN us - by His Holy Spirit; and He works FOR us - by His special providence. And the inward work of the Spirit, and the outward work of divine providence - conspire to preserve us from falling. Blessed be God, He watches over us, bounds our temptations, keeps us as the apple of His eye, and works for us. Here is our safety. This is the reason, that though our feet were almost gone, and our steps had well near slipped - we can say of our enemies, "They are cast down and fallen - but we are risen and stand upright."

We need a wiser head, and a stronger arm than our own - to keep us! If the Lord had not been on our side - long before now, satan would have surely prevailed against us. The ivy does not more need the oak, the vine does not need the wall, the infant does not more need the parent's arm - than we need the powerful support of our gracious God. Our daily prayer should be "Hold me up - and I shall be safe!"

We should give God the glory of our preservation. Our feet were almost gone, and but for His timely intervention - they would have been quite gone! Where, O where might we have been this day - but for the Lord's faithful care? He was mindful of us, and He will bless us. We have been kept, we are preserved - but "Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your name goes all the glory for Your unfailing love and faithfulness!"

~James Smith~

(The End)

The Restless Bed # 2

The Restless Bed # 2

THE REST. "My bed." "If I make my bed in hell." Rest in hell? A bed in hell? What kind of a bed could that be? 

A bed composed of the thorns of bitter reflections.

A bed made up of the terrible inflictions of incensed justice.

A bed embracing the horrors of a guilty conscience, the blackness and darkness of despair, the ceaseless outpouring of the vials of the wrath of God!!

This bed is ever heaving - like the restless ocean; ever sinking - like a millstone, in the bottomless depths; ever burning - like a lake of liquid brimstone; and ever inflicting torments - beyond description or conception.

"MY bed" - the bed I procured by a life of sin.

"MY bed" - the bed I deserve for rejecting the Saviour, and neglecting the great salvation.

"MY bed" - the bed awarded me by a just and holy God.

MY OWN bed - the only bed I can claim; the only bed I can expect; that bed for which I labored; and which is the righteous wages of my sin.

My OWN bed - the only bed I shall have forever!

My OWN bed - on which there can be no rest day nor night. Ever wakeful, every weary, ever cursing and condemning myself - here on my infernal bed - I am doomed, and justly doomed to lie forever!

THE EMPLOYMENT. "If I make my bed in hell." Every man makes his own bed, and on the bed he makes for himself - he must forever lie.

What are sinners on earth doing? Making their bed in hell! Drunkard, dishonest man, liar, profane swearer, promiscuous man, hypocrite, careless sinner, trifling professor, worldly-minded church-member. There is a hell - an eternal hell. Justice provided it originally for the devil and his demons - but there is room in it for rebellious men, and if they die impenitent - they will be forever doomed to it!

No one will have a place in hell, who does not richly merit and deserve it. Hell is just wages - for present sinful work. "The wages of sin is death" - eternal death. O terrible thought, to be working so hard on earth - only to receive the wages of eternal punishment in hell!

"If I make my bed in hell."

Young man - what if you should make your bed in hell? It will be your own act and deed.

Young woman - what if you should make your bed in hell? And you may - for pride, elegant dress, aborting your own children, and neglect of God, without any grosser vices - will be sufficient to prepare for you a bed in hell!

Aged man - what if you should make your bed in hell? What a dreadful close - to a long and trying life on earth!

Aged woman - is it possible that you should make your bed in hell? It is - and more than possible!

Religious man - what if you should make your bed in hell? What if after all your prayers, sacraments, and contributions to religious societies - your bed should be in hell! And it will - if you are not found in Christ!

It does not matter - whether young or old, whether professor or profane - unless you are washed in the blood of Jesus; unless you are sanctified by the Spirit of God; unless you are reconciled to God by the death of His Son - you will certainly make your bed in hell.

Look well to it, then, I beseech you - that you have saving faith in Christ, and that you are regenerated by the Holy Spirit - for without true holiness, no one can see the Lord. Without holiness - you will certainly make your bed in hell!

~James Smith~

(The End)

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Almost Gone! # 1

Almost Gone! # 1

"But as for me - my feet were almost gone! My steps had well near slipped!" (Psalm 73:2).

Asaph appears, in his own mind, to have been going over the history of the Lord's people in general, and of some of them in particular; tracing out the Lord's dealings with them, and marking his peculiar interventions for them. Full of this subject, he commences his Psalm rather abruptly, exclaiming, "Truly God is good to Israel - even to such as are pure of heart." Good, incomparably good, had he been to Israel literally, and to all the pure, or true heated, among them. But His goodness shines even brighter still, in His dealings with His spiritual Israel. How good, how infinitely good to choose them to eternal life in His beloved Son, to predestine them to the adoption of children, to redeem them from death by His precious blood, to preserve them in the days of their unregeneracy, to quicken and call them by His Holy Spirit, to speak to them in His Word, and to work for them by His providence.

Yes, God has been good, and is good to Israel; even to such as have had their hearts cleansed from guilt - by the blood of Jesus, and from filth - by His Spirit and Word. Being pure-hearted, the hands are washed in innocence, pure paths are chosen, pure companions are selected, and pure conversation is enjoyed.

Asaph's attention had also been directed to himself, and while he marked their course, he compared it with his own, and as he reviewed his narrow escapes, and sinful propensities, he exclaimed, "But as for me - my feet were almost gone! My steps had well near slipped!"

He had been in great danger. Judging by the eye, misled him. He saw the wicked - healthy, wealthy, and prosperous; while some of the Lord's people - were sick, poor, and in adversity. Envy arose in his heart, and began powerfully to work. He began to think that it was folly to obey God, and observe His precepts. A spirit of complaining was produced, and he reflected upon the conduct of His God. At length he went to the Sanctuary - there his mistakes were corrected, his mind was enlightened, and his actual fall prevented. He was almost gone! His steps had nearly slipped! He had only narrowly escaped!

In looking back, how often has this been the case with us: But there are special periods, and some particular spots, which remind us, how near we were to a shameful fall. O this, ALMOST! This, well near! How vividly they bring before us past scenes, and past seasons.

We can remember what danger we were in, from peculiar temptations. satan studied our constitution, and prepared his temptation accordingly. It perfectly matched the lusts of our flesh, and natural bent of our sinful desires. It so exactly suited, was so calculated to make us fall - that we were almost gone.

Then, it was so adapted to our circumstances. satan always observes the circumstances of the Lord's people, when he prepares his traps for them. He has temptations for sickness - and health, for poverty -and wealth, for cheerfulness - and gloom. As every constitution has its suitable temptation - just so has every circumstance in the believers life. Besides which, satan plies his temptations with such power and perseverance. How he does this - we cannot understand; but that he does so - we cannot doubt. An infernal spirit often acts upon the human spirit. It suggests, it excites, it tempts, and alas! how often it prevails!

When the temptation to sin, and the opportunity to commit the sin meets - the conflict is fearful, and the result sometimes shameful!

When the wine sparkled before the eye of Noah - he was tempted and fell.

When Bathsheba's beauty met the eye of David - he was tempted and fell.

When the damsel charged Peter - he was tempted and fell.

And there have been times in our history when solicitation to sin, an inclination for sin, and the opportunity to commit sin - have met together - and we were almost gone! If special grace had not been given to us - we would have surely fallen.

~James Smith~

(continued with # 2)

The Restless Bed # 1

The Restless Bed # 1

What is sown now - will be reaped in eternity.

Eternal life is the free gift of a gracious God.

Eternal punishment is the just wages of eternal sin.

We deserve hell now - but we may escape it by fleeing to Jesus. If we refuse to do so - then we can only expect to reap the fruit of our folly.

Heaven is the gift of God's grace - but hell is the wages of sin.

Every sinner makes his own hell. In this light, let us look at the words of the Psalmist, "If I make my bed in hell" (Psalm 139:8).

The Residence. "IN hell."

What is hell?

Hell is the prison - in which the prisoners of God's justice are confined.

Hell is where punishment is inflicted on all who die at enmity with God.

Hell is the place where satan acts the part of the chief tormentor.

Hell is the place where conscience, armed with terrible power, torments the guilty soul.

Hell is the place where reflection, aided by a strong and tenacious memory, afflicts without mercy or cessation.

Hell is the place where God frowns justly and eternally on the naked soul.

Hell is the place where everything calculated to satiate with terror, fill with agony, and torture with pain, exist.

While everything calculated to inspire hope, give pleasure, or impart relief - is excluded forever.

Who is in hell?

satan and his demons - all those foul, wicked, and degraded spirits - who are filled with envy, malice, and enmity against God and man.

All unrepentant sinners - of all classes, creeds, places, and periods.

All who have stained the world with their crimes, afflicted others with their cruelties, and degraded themselves by their vices.

All the lowest, vilest, and basest of the human race!

God is there too, in His glorious majesty, almighty power, impartial justice, and awesome holiness! O how it will aggravate the sufferings of the lost - to have God's eye always fixed upon them, and the justice, holiness, and majesty of God ever shining before them!

What is in hell?

Justice with its flaming sword - is there.

Memory stored with the whole history of ones life - is there.

The worm that gnaws the vitals of the soul, but never dies - is there.

The fire that cannot be quenched, which tortures but never destroys our nature - is there.

But there is no Bible there.

There is no gospel with its joyful sound.

There is no gentle, loving Saviour.

There is no loving friend or dear relation.

There is nothing to lessen or alleviate suffering!

Hell concentrates in itself, all the elements of misery, degradation, wretchedness and woe!

~James Smith~

(continued with # 2)

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The Silent Influence In Parental Conduct (and others)

The Silent Influence In Parental Conduct (and others)

Parents have a great power of influence over the minds and hearts of their children. Their children are almost continually with them - they are seen by them in nearly all they do, in their habitual conduct, and character at home. They are heard in what they say; seen in what they do; studied in all their behavior; by little ears, and eyes, and minds, which are scarcely ever closed!

The child's heart is soft and pliable to a father's or a mother's influence. Their constant influence has been molding him from the dawn of reason. What, then, ought to be the parents' behavior at home? The whole cultivation, and direction, and management of a child's mind, from the very dawn of reason, should be carried on with special reference to the formation of Christian character. This should be the one thing, to which all other things should be subordination.

The silent influence in parental conduct is far greater, either for good or for evil, than most parents are aware of. They teach by what they say, they influence by what they do; and also by what they do not say, and do not perform.

The pious parents, who embody a meek, benevolent, ardent, and consistent godliness in their character, exert a tremendous influence over the minds of their children!

But oh! the dreadful contrast in the case of those parents who are characterized by ungodly dispositions, worldly associations, mirthful and extravagant living, trifling conversation, and lack of all seriousness and spirituality.

Oh! what can be expected from such parents - but children who regard their religion with disgust?

Every man is best known at home. Parents are ever doing something to prejudice their children in favor of true religion - or to prejudice them against it; doing something to draw them into the church - or to drive them into the world; lending a helping hand to lead them to heaven - or taking them by the hand and leading them to hell!

Parents! Must you employ your influence in ruining the souls of your children - and sending them to perdition? Oh! tremble at the interview you must have with them at the day of judgment, and the dialog you must hold with them forever in the bottomless pit!

~John Angell James~

Eminent Piety

Eminence in piety signifies our having all the parts of the Christian character in considerable strength, and in attractive proportions.

Eminent piety is always accompanied by a large measure of spiritual affections; a struggle for universal holiness; a desire and endeavor for purity of heart; a prevailing taste for divine and heavenly things; a walking with God; a living by faith; a setting our affections on things above; a being dead to the world; a mortification of sin in the heart; a proneness to devout meditation; a delight to hold communion with God; a fondness for the Scriptures; a large portion of love to the brethren; an inflexible integrity; a liberality for the cause of Christ; an ardent love of biblical ordinances; an enjoyment of the peace that passes understanding; a frequent experience of spiritual joy; an exquisite tenderness of conscience; a mind which trembles at sin; a constant penitential frame for our many imperfections; a holy watchfulness against sins ....of the life, of the tongue, of the imagination and of the heart!

Piety is not an abstract system of doctrine and ethics. It is a constant movement of the heart, to the splendor and attraction of the Cross of Christ!

Love to Christ is the spring of all Christian piety!

This is eminent piety - to be always in sight of the Cross, having fellowship with Christ; so that we shall truly comprehend the meaning and feel the force of the Apostle's words, "for me to live is Christ!"

~John Angell James~

A Chameleon Kind of Religion (and others)

A Chameleon Kind of Religion (and others)

"So that you may be blameless and pure, children of God who are faultless in a crooked and perverted generation, among whom you shine like stars in the world" (Philippians 2:15).

Saving religion is not merely an occasional act - but a permanent habit, resulting from an internal principle.

Saving religion is a principle so fixed as to constitute a new moral nature; and so steadily operative, as to form an unchanging character.

A real Christian is a Christian always, everywhere, and in all companies. He carries his piety with him wherever he goes, as an integral part of himself. It is not like his clothes which may be continually altered, or varied to suit his situation, occupation, and company. He needs his piety everywhere, he love it everywhere, and is commanded to let it be seen everywhere.

But among most professors of Christianity, there is too much of a chameleon kind of religion, which takes its hue from surrounding objects. This is seen most conspicuously in the conduct of those who have a flexible, yielding, easy-going kind of piety - which accommodates itself to changing circumstances, by little sacrifices of principles and consistency.

~John Angell James~

A Golden Image in the House!

It is quite evident that covetousness is indeed the sin of the church. In this wealthy age and country, there is imminent peril of professing Christians forgetting their high calling, and living only to get riches. We see them toiling and panting in pursuit of the golden object of ambition.

It is not the possession of wealth that we should dread; but the inordinate desire, the dishonest means, the undue love, and the covetous hoarding of it! Wealth justly obtained, and piously spent, is a blessing - not a curse.

I am quite aware, that it is difficult to have money and not love it. It is hard indeed to have a golden image in the house, and not worship it!

Wealth often produces the pride of life - so opposite to the humility and poverty of spirit, which is essential to the nature of true religion.

Wealth often generates a worldly-mindedness, which makes its possessor contented with seen and temporal things, and disposes him to mind only earthly things.

Wealth often leads to a prevalent feeling of independence, so unlike that habitual trust and reliance on God, which the Scriptures require.

Wealth often originates, and keeps up, both the care and perplexity of getting, and the anxiety of disposing; and thus exhausts the vigor as well as time, upon worldly objects - leaving the soul neglected, impoverished, and defrauded.

Wealth is the green and flowery mount from which many have slid down into the bottomless pit!

"But godliness with contentment is a great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out. But if we have food, shelter and clothing, we will be content with these. But those who want to be rich fall into temptation, a trap, and many foolish and harmful desires, which plunge people into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, and by craving it,some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pains. Now you, man of God, run from these things; but pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, and gentleness" (1 Tim. 6:6-11).

~John Angell James~