Divine Care! # 1
"Casting all your care upon Him - for He cares for you" (1 Peter 5:7).
The Christians life is very much made up of cares - and comforts.
Cares spring from earth - comfort comes from Heaven; cares prove him to be a sinner - holy comforts prove him a believer; cares flow in from a variety of quarters - true comfort from only one; cares come naturally - but comforts come supernaturally.
We are sure to have cares - but shall we have comfort? This depends on God's grace - which gives it; and our faith - which receives it.
Cares must be cast on our God, or they will prove a burden too heavy for us - they will depress, bewilder, and make us wretched! But here is our comfort - we have always One to care for us; and the very one who of all others - we would wish to do so: "The Lord cares for you!"
God cares for WHOM? For you believer, who is born again, not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible, by the word of God which lives and abides forever. For you believer, who is a stranger and pilgrim on the earth, as all your fathers were. For you believer, who is persecuted by the world, and hated by all men - for your Saviour's sake. For you believer, to whom Christ is precious, as He is to every one who really believes in Him. For you believer, who is worried and harassed by satan - who as a roaring lion goes about seeking whom he may devour. For you believer, who is placed in humble circumstances, being numbered with the poor of this world. For you believer, who is compassed about with so many cares, and who enjoys so few comforts; who is surprised at the fiery trials which try you, as though some strange thing had happened unto you. God's care extends to every Christian; the young and the aged, the weak and the strong, the poor and the wealthy, the doubting and the confident. Believer, He cares for you!
WHO is it, that cares for us? It is the Lord Almighty - the high and lofty One who inhabits eternity, whose name is holy! It is He whom the angels obey, the seraphim adore, and all creation glorifies!
It is the Lord - who is so great, that we have no adequate conception of His greatness!
It is He who is so good - that it is impossible fully to set forth His goodness!
It is He who is so glorious - that no sinner can see His face and live!
It is He who created all things with His Word!
It is He who governs all things by His wisdom!
It is He who upholds all things by His power!
It is He whose resources are infinite!
It is He whose compassion is exquisite!
It is He whose patience is without limit!
But though He is so exalted, so happy, and so unspeakably great - He cares for you! He is the One who enters into all the circumstances of His people, is ever present with them, and rejoices over them to do them good.
He cares for you - as base as you are.
He cares for you - as sinful as you are.
He cares for you - as depressed and discouraged as you are.
He cares for YOU! He cares for you individually, and according to the circumstances in which you are placed.
~James Smith~
(continued with # 2)
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