Almost Gone # 2
We can remember too our danger when our corruptions have been powerfully stirred up. satan is allowed to do this sometimes - and then every evil that lies hidden in the heart begins to show itself! Corruptions we would be ashamed to mention, and afraid to name - are found working furiously within us! O what awful thoughts of God then! O what fearful cogitations then! Flood seems to follow flood, billow follows billow; until it is almost impossible to believe that there can be any true grace in our hearts!
The cable strains, the anchor drags, the masts crack, and the sails flap fearfully - we are tossed with tempests and not comforted. We seem justly ready to make shipwreck of faith, and of a good conscience. Our feet are almost gone! Our steps are well near slipped! Our resistance is nearly overcome. Like one walking on ice - every moment we expect to fall prostrate. Like one going down a steep plane, it appears almost impossible to stop. At times, all seems to be over, and disgrace now, with destruction, seem certain.
O the scenes of danger we have passed through! O the hair-breath escapes we have had! There seemed to be but a step, and scarcely that, between us and the awful precipice, the shameful fall! Many, many times, we have been almost gone - and yet have never fallen yet. What mercy, what rich, free, and undeserved mercy this! But Asaph had not only been in great danger, he had also experienced,
A Merciful Deliverance. A Father's eye was over him! The Lord was observing him. Just so with us. Our God has ever had His eye on us - and His arm around us! "The eyes of the Lord, run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on the behalf of all those whose hearts are perfect towards Him." O the mercy, to have God's eye watching us; and His ear open to listen to us! With David, we can say, "When I cried: My foot slips!" Your mercy, O God, held me up."
The Lord bounds the temptations of His people. So far - but no farther, may satan go. He may tempt us - but he shall not triumph over us; or if he does for a time, the triumphing of this wicked one shall be short.
Our heavenly Father bounds the time, the force, and the number of our temptations. We may think them peculiarly strong, and seem to be encircled by them, and conclude that they must crush us. But no, thus says the Word, "No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to humanity. God is faithful, and He will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation He will also provide a way of escape so that you are able to bear it!"
This has hitherto been the case with us, we were almost gone - but not quite. Our steps had well near slipped - but we were preserved from falling.
The Lord our God will continue to work for us - as He has in the past. He works IN us - by His Holy Spirit; and He works FOR us - by His special providence. And the inward work of the Spirit, and the outward work of divine providence - conspire to preserve us from falling. Blessed be God, He watches over us, bounds our temptations, keeps us as the apple of His eye, and works for us. Here is our safety. This is the reason, that though our feet were almost gone, and our steps had well near slipped - we can say of our enemies, "They are cast down and fallen - but we are risen and stand upright."
We need a wiser head, and a stronger arm than our own - to keep us! If the Lord had not been on our side - long before now, satan would have surely prevailed against us. The ivy does not more need the oak, the vine does not need the wall, the infant does not more need the parent's arm - than we need the powerful support of our gracious God. Our daily prayer should be "Hold me up - and I shall be safe!"
We should give God the glory of our preservation. Our feet were almost gone, and but for His timely intervention - they would have been quite gone! Where, O where might we have been this day - but for the Lord's faithful care? He was mindful of us, and He will bless us. We have been kept, we are preserved - but "Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your name goes all the glory for Your unfailing love and faithfulness!"
~James Smith~
(The End)
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