Saturday, March 7, 2020

The King's Highway # 2 (and others)

The King's Highway # 2 (and others)

Do not imagine that you are in the way - when you are not. Do not be deceived by a dream. But make sure work of it. In the way - you are safe; but out of it - you are lost forever! Are you willing to leave the Babylon of this world? Many of whom Jeremiah spoke were not willing to leave Babylon of old, and therefore they perished there. Will you start for Mount Zion at once? For what should you wait? Why should you delay? What will you get by it? Rather, what will you lose? If you are willing, listen to the prophets advice, "Set your heart toward the highway!"

Make up your mind then, solemnly, seriously, deliberately make up your mind. Be determined to escape from eternal wrath, to obtain salvation, to find a home in the promised land.

Never rest outside of this way. Do not rest in mere desires, resolves or wishes - but enter upon the way, make thorough work of it.

The entrance is strait and narrow. You must strip, and give up self, sin, and the world - and then you pass through it. There is plenty of room for the sinner, the naked sinner, any naked sinner - but only the naked sinner.

The way is narrow - but it is wide enough for you. Greater sinners than you, have traveled this way, and gone singing from earth to heaven. As flagrant sinners as you, have entered the strait gate, and journeyed along the narrow way - the grace that enabled them, will enable you. It is only repent, or change your mind, which has been to live in sin, reject Christ, and go with the world; believe, or venture on Christ, trust Jesus, commit yourself to Him, renouncing all and everything beside; give God the heart, the whole heart, the heart just as it is! Give it Him to cleanse, adorn, and save - and thus make a start for eternal glory.

Is there any difficulty finding the way? Be sure to ask of those who know. Take the prophets representation for your example, "In those days, at that time, the people of Israel and the people of Judah together will go in tears to seek the Lord their God. They will ask the way to Zion and turn their faces toward it. They will come and bind themselves to the Lord in an everlasting covenant that will not be forgotten."

Beloved, their is a way from earth - to heaven, from sin - to holiness, from condemnation - to justification, from eternal death - to eternal life!

That way is Jesus, to that way you are welcome. In that way you may walk and find peace with God, enjoy communion with Jesus, escape dangers, and obtain everlasting life.

You will either walk in it - or you will not. If you will not, there is but one other way, and that is the way of eternal death! "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it!" (Matthew 7:13-14).

Therefore Jesus exhorts in another place. "Strive to enter in at the strait gate" - strive as if in an agony - as if eternal life and eternal glory depended upon it - strive, nor leave off striving, until you are safe through the gate, and traveling in the way to eternal glory!

~James Smith~

(The End)

Rattles and Baubles!

Weak Christians are usually much concerned and taken up with the poor base things of this world. They are much in caring for them, and in pursuing and hunting greedily after them. All which does clearly evidence - that their graces are very weak, and their corruptions very strong.

Certainly there is but little of Christ and grace within, where the heart is so strongly concerned about earthly things. Where there is such strong love and workings of heart after these poor things - it shows the soul's enjoyment of God to be but poor and low. Those who are rich and strong in grace, look upon the world with a holy scorn and disdain.

The greatest bargain which a soul rich in grace will make with God for himself is this, "Give me but bread to eat and clothes to wear - and you shall be my God." So it was with that brave soul in Genesis 28:21. Jacob desires but bread and clothing. Mark, he asks bread - not dainties; clothing - not ornaments.

Grown men prefer one piece of gold, above a thousand new pennies. A soul who is strong in grace, who is high in its spiritual enjoyments, prefers one good word from God, above all the dainties of this world. Souls who know by experience what the bosom of Christ is, what spiritual communion is, what the glory of heaven is - will not be put off with things which are mixed, mutable, and mo momentary. "Lord," he prays, "Warm my heart with the beams of Your love - and then a little of things will suffice."

It is childish to be concerned more with the rattles and baubles of this world, than with heavenly riches.

A little of this world will satisfy one who is strong in grace, much will not satisfy one who is weak in grace, nothing will satisfy one who is void of grace.

~Thomas Brooks~

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