What Is Your Life? # 2
In reference to our fellow-men -the design of our life is to benefit and do them good. No one is created for himself. Each one is bound to his fellow, and every one should aim to benefit the whole. We should serve our generation by the will of God.
Our life is misapplied, it is squandered, it is wasted in folly - if we do not use it to secure our eternal salvation, to promote God's glory, and to advance the holiness and happiness of our fellow-men.
What is the CHARACTER of our life?
Looking at its natural character - it is a gift conferred upon us by our beneficent Creator. A gift which, if rightly used, will prove invaluable; but which, if abused, will be an occasion of eternal regret. God gave us life; He placed us highest in the scale of His creatures; He made us capable of serving, enjoying, and glorifying Him for ever; He has given us also the means of grace, set before us the way of salvation, and promised His Holy Spirit unto those who ask Him. Having given us life, He has crowned that life with loving-kindness and tender mercies, and has pointed out the way by which we may obtain everlasting blessedness.
But let us look at its moral character. What is our life in reference to others? Is it exemplary? Is it convincing? Is it useful? Is it likely to make a good impression? What is our life in reference to ourselves? Is it holy or profane? Is it godly or ungodly? Is it befitting an immortal being, one who must live forever? This view of the subject is not sufficiently attended to by many. Is it attended to by us?
What is the IMPORTANCE of our life? Ah, who shall say? Who can describe, what language can set forth - the importance of our present life?
Our life is the bud of being - the flower will not open on this side of the grave.
Our life is the youth of existence - we shall not be full-grown in this world.
Our life is the seed-time of eternity - what is sown now - will be reaped in an eternal, changeless state.
Our life is the introduction to immortality!
What then is its importance? Ask the dying sinner, whose eyes are just opened, whose soul is just awakened to the solemnities of the eternal world. What reply will he give? Look at his death-struck countenance, mark the expression of his half-glazed eye, hear the accents of his tremulous voice; but he fails, he tries in vain to set forth the importance of the present life. He exclaims, "Oh, that I had my time over again! Oh, that I had one year - but one month, one week, of the time I have squandered! But wishing is in vain! The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and I am not saved! The importance of life I cannot describe. The value of time I can never declare."
Believer - what is your life? Is it Christ? Can you say with Paul, "For me to live is Christ!" Does Christ live in you? Are you spiritually minded - and do you find it life and peace? Is it a wise preparation for eternity? Are you living now - as you will wish you had lived by-and-bye?
Life is at best but short - let us improve it. Life is uncertain - let us make sure work for eternity.
Life, if rightly viewed, is very solemn - let us spend it as intelligent and accountable creatures should.
When tempted to trifle, when inclined to squander away a day or an hour - let us question influence our decision, "What is your life?" If it is brief - should it be spent thus? And let the Saviour's question be seriously considered by all who make gain the end of life - "What shall it profit a man - if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? (Mark 8:36, 37).
Reader, the time is short, eternity is near, salvation is of infinite importance! Let us therefore decide, and accept the Saviour's glorious invitation at once, and so shall we be saved forever!
~James Smith~
(The End)
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