Jesus and the Sinner
The Son of God assumed the name of Jesus - to meet the sinner's case, disperse the sinner's fears, and assure the sinner's mind. And in all He has said in His word, and in all He has done, or is doing - He keeps the same end in view. TO the sinner, as a sinner - He speaks. FOR the sinner, as a sinner - He works. And the sinner, AS a sinner - He saves. He prescribes no tasks and He requires no sufferings - from us. But all that Jesus does for lost sinners - He does freely, out of pure pity, kindness, and love.
Yet we are always looking for something in ourselves - to encourage us! On the other hand, we tend to look at some sin committed by us - which discourages us. Whereas we should look only to Jesus. I want now, for a few minutes, to fix the eye of your mind on what Jesus does for sinners - how He acts toward them at the present day.
Jesus calls the sinner. He says, "Come unto Me. Come, just as you are. Come, this moment. Come, for all that you need. Come, for all that you desire. Come, and be saved. Come, and I will satisfy you. Come, and commit all your concerns to Me, and I will make all things that occur, work together for your good."
Jesus receives the sinner when he comes. He receives every sinner, however base, vile, or unworthy he may be. He receives the sinner graciously, pardoning every sin, forgiving and forgetting all that he has done amiss, and treating him with the utmost kindness.
Jesus cleanses the sinner. In the fountain of His precious blood, and in the laver of His Holy Word - He cleanses him from guilt and pollution - fitting him for holy service on earth, and for holier service in heaven.
Jesus clothes the sinner. All that is necessary for our honorable appearance in heaven among the glorified - He undertakes to provide.
Jesus employs the sinner. Having called, received, cleansed, clothes and nourished him - He sets him to WORK. He gives him a cross to carry, and a plot in his vineyard to cultivate. He sends him to speak to others of His grace. He says, "Feed them for Me, comfort them for Me, and teach them for Me."
Jesus comforts the sinner. He assures the sinner of His love for him.
Jesus restores the sinner. He reproves the sinner. And then He glorifies the sinner. Glorifies him with Himself - and confers on him an eternal weight of glory!
O wondrous grace, of a wondrous Saviour!
Reader, Jesus has called you to Him - have you attended to His call? Jesus cleanses sinners - has He cleansed you? Jesus clothes and adorns sinners; has He clothed you with His righteousness and adorned you with the Holy Spirit?
Believer, this precious Saviour is yours. You know Him, for you came when He called you, you were received when you came, and you have been cleansed and clothed. You are fed by Jesus now. You enjoy the comforts of His love, and are assured by His Spirit and word. And, O wondrous grace - He will soon glorify you!
Will you not love Him then? Will you not observe His statutes and keep His laws? Will you not come out of the world, which is peopled by His enemies, and be separated to Him? Will you not bear witness to the power and sweetness orf His love, to the joy and happiness that is found in His ways? Can you mingle with the carnal,frequent places of worldly amusement, and so bring up an evil report of the land, as if religion was not happiness, and you must go to the world to be gratified and amused? Beware how you wound your precious Saviour's loving heart! Beware how you grieve the Holy Spirit, by whom you are sealed unto the day of redemption! Beware, lest by anything you say or do - you cast a stumbling block in the way of sinners, over which they may fall into hell!
~James Smith~
(The End)
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