Love Put To The Proof
It is not every man's religion, which will stand the test. Many a man's profession has looked fair enough - until it has been tried, and then it has proved to be counterfeit. How important then is self-examination - and looking well to our foundation. Unless grounded on Christ - the fabric will fall. Unless our religion is the work of God - it will fail us in the day of trial. God's religion captures the heart for Him, devotes the life to Him, and prepares us to part with whatever is called for by Him.
Such was Abraham's religion, which God put to so severe a test; and to whom when he was tried, the angel said, "Now I know that you fear God - seeing you have not withheld your son, your only son from Me!" (Genesis 22:12).
The principle. Godly fear. "You fear God."
In order to fear God, with a holy, filial fear - we must KNOW Him. Know Him as a gracious, merciful, covenant God. Know Him as revealed in Jesus. Know Him as a Father - the Father of mercies, the God of all grace.
We must BELIEVE Him. In order to which we must have His Word, especially His precious promises. Exercising faith in them - we shall have confidence in Him, and trust Him to make them good.
We must LOVE Him. Our love to Him will be regulated by our knowledge of Him, and our faith in Him. Just in proportion as we receive into our minds, the lovely representations of Himself which God has given in His Word, and by His Son, and according to the degree of faith we exercise in Him - will be our love to Him.
Love will lead us to FEAR Him, filling our hearts with profound reverence, and making us afraid to offend Him, or grieve Him, or disobey Him, or withhold anything from Him - and that, just because we love Him. The one ruling desire of our souls will be to PLEASE God!
The proof. "You have not withheld your son - your only son from Me." God requires proof of the sincerity of our profession, when we profess to prefer Him to all besides.
The testimony. "Now I know that you fear God - seeing that you have not withheld your son from Me." I have proved you now. You have manifested your sincerity.
God will try our principles! Sooner or later He will bring us to the test. Let us therefore seek grace to prepare us to stand the test as Abraham did. Let us therefore promptly do whatever appears to us to be the will of God. Let us imitate David, who said, "I made haste, and delayed not, to keep your precepts!"
Let us now turn the subject, and standing before Calvary's Cross, look up to God, and say, "Now I know that You love me - seeing You have not withheld Your son, Your only Son from me!"
Did Abraham sacrifice his own son, with his own hand, at least in intention? God did so in reality and in fact! It pleased the Lord to bruise Him! He has put Him to grief. It was His own sword, in His own hand - which pierced His beloved Son to His heart! Therefore Jesus cried, "Father, if it is possible - let this cup pass from Me!" O what love! O what a costly proof of God's love!
As God has not withheld from us His Son - but has sacrificed Him for our sins, and by His death made an atonement for our transgressions - can He then withhold from us any inferior good? Will He not with Him also - will He not after having given Jesus - freely give us all things. O Holy and ever blessed Spirit, impress this glorious truth upon my mind, and daily bring it to my remembrance - that my heavenly Father, having given His Son to die for me - will withhold no good thing from me! Well, well may I say - as I stand on Calvary, and gaze on the slaughtered Lamb, "Now I know that You love me - seeing You have not withheld Your Son, Your only Son from me!"
~James Smith~
(The End)
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