Monday, August 29, 2016

Classic Christian Hymns and Three Prayers

Because He Lives

~William J. Gaither~

God sent His Son
They called Him Jesus
He came to love 
heal and forgive;
He lived and died
to buy my pardon. 
An empty grave is there
to prove my Saviour lives.


Because He lives
I can face tomorrow.
Because He lives
all fear is gone.
Because I know
He holds the future.
And life is worth the
living, Just because He lives.

How sweet to hold 
our newborn baby,
And feel the pride
and joy he gives;
But greater still,
the calm assurance,
This child can face 
uncertain days
because He lives.

And then one day
I'll cross that river
I'll fight life's final
was with pain; 
and then death
gives way to vict'ry
I'll see the lights of glory
and I'll know He reigns.

Have You Any Room for Jesus?

~C. C. Williams~

Have you any room for Jesus,
He who bore your load of sin?
As He knocks and asks admission,
Sinner, will you let Him in?


Room for Jesus, King of glory!
Hasten now His word obey;
Swing the heart's door widely
open, Bid Him enter while you may.

Room for pleasure, room for business,
But for Christ the Crucified,
Not a place that He can enter,
In the heart for which He died?

Have you any room for Jesus,
A sin grace He calls again?
O today is time accepted,
Tomorrow you may call in vain.

Room and time now give to Jesus,
Soon will pass God's day of grace;
Soon thy heart left cold and silent,
And thy Saviour's pleading  cease.

When He Was On the Cross

~Ronny Hinson and Mike Payne~

I'm not on an ego trip;
I'm nothing on my own.
I make mistakes and often slip,
just common flesh and bones.
But I'll prove someday 
just why I say I'm of a special kind.
For when He was on the Cross,
I was on His mind.


He knew me, yet He loved me,
He whose glory makes 
the heavens shine;
So unworthy of such mercy,
Yet when He was on the Cross,
I was on His mind.

A look of love was on his face,
the thorns on His head,
The blood was on His scarlet robe,
and stained it crimson red;
Tho His eyes were on the crowd that day,
He looked ahead in time.

Prayer # 1

O God, be Thou exalted over my possessions. Nothing of earth's treasures shall seem dear unto me if only Thou art glorified in my life. Be Thou exalted over my friendships. I am determined that Thou shalt be above all, though I must stand deserted and alone in the midst of the earth. Be Thou exalted above my comforts. Though it mean the loss of bodily comforts and the carrying of heavy crosses, I shall keep my vow made this day before Thee. Be Thou exalted over my reputation. Make me ambitious to please Thee even if as a result I must sink into obscurity and my name be forgotten as a dream. Rise, O Lord, into Thy proper place of honor, above my ambitions, above my likes and dislikes, above my family, my health and even my life itself. Let me sink that Thou mayst rise above. Ride forth upon me as Thou didst ride into Jerusalem mounted upon the humble little beast, a colt, the foal of an ass, and let me hear the children cry to Thee, "Hosanna in the highest." Amen

Prayer # 2

Lord, I would trust Thee completely; I would be altogether Thine; I would exalt Thee above all. I desire that I may feel no sense of possessing anything outside of Thee. I want constantly to be aware of Thy overshadowing presence and to hear Thy speaking voice. I long to live in restful sincerity of heart. I want to live so fully in the Holy Spirit that all my thoughts may be as sweet incense ascending to Thee and every act of my life may be an act of worship. Therefore I pray in the words of Thy great servant of old, "I beseech Thee so for to cleanse the intent of mine heart with the unspeakable gift of Thy grace, that I may perfectly love Thee and worthily praise Thee." And all this I confidently believe Thou wilt grant me through the merits of Jesus Christ Thy Son. Amen

Prayer # 3

O Lord, I have heard a good word inviting me to look away to Thee and be satisfied. My heart longs to respond, but sin has clouded my vision till I see Thee but dimly. Be pleased to cleanse me in Thine own precious blood, and make me inwardly pure, so that I may with unveiled eyes gaze upon Thee all the days of my earthly pilgrimage. Then shall I be prepared to behold Thee in full splendor in the day when Thou shalt appear to be glorified in Thy saints and admired in all them that believe. Amen

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